18/1e, Dhirendra Nath Ghosh Road, Kolkata(w.b.) India
Ph: 2454 7283

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
22/03/2004 84824000 Needle bearings nki253815 1000 Pcs Calcutta sea Cn Cn
28/10/2003 84832000 Needle bearing kzk 263314ag 2000 Pcs Calcutta sea Cn Cn
28/11/2003 90091100 Photo copier,old and used different models (toshiba-6550) 3 Pcs Calcutta sea Us Us
31/03/2004 90251190 Wet & dry bulb thermometer 1500 Pcs Calcutta sea Cn Cn
17/06/2004 90275020 Hand held refra ctometer range 58-90% 15 Pcs Calcutta air Cn Cn
5/01/2004 90278010 Blood counting chamber (medical instruments) 1000 Pcs Calcutta air De De
1/06/2004 91029120 Biglcd panel stop watch 1000 Pcs Calcutta air Cn Cn

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 84824000 Ball or roller bearings needle bearings nki253815
Import 84832000 Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; bearings housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing; ball or roller screws; gear boxes and other speed changers, including torque converters; flywheels and pulleys, includin needle bearing kzk 263314ag
Import 90091100 Photocopying apparatus incorporating an optical system or of the contact-type and thermo-copying apparatus photo copier,old and used different models (toshiba-6550)
Import 90251190 Hydrometers, and similar floating instruments, thermometers, pyrometers, barometers, hygrometers and psychrometers, recording or not, and any combination of these instruments wet & dry bulb thermometer
Import 90275020 Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis for example, polarimeters, refratometers, spectrometers, gas or smoke analysis apparatus); instruments and apparatus for meters), excluding instruments and apparatus of heading measuring or check hand held refra ctometer range 58-90%
Import 90278010 Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis for example, polarimeters, refratometers, spectrometers, gas or smoke analysis apparatus); instruments and apparatus for meters), excluding instruments and apparatus of heading measuring or check blood counting chamber (medical instruments)
Import 91029120 Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, including stop watches, other than those of heading 9101 biglcd panel stop watch

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