Hari Leela Apartment, B-wing, 103, Plot No.13, Sector-1, New Panvel, Dist. Raigad, Maharashtra. India

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
2/12/2004 01011010 Free sample of no commercial value:- handcrimping bottle sealing machine 1 Pcs Bombay air Dammam Saudi arabia
10/06/2004 07129010 Amla 100 Kgs Bombay sea Dar es salaam Tanga
18/12/2004 08011100 Cashew nut 5 Kgs Bombay air Karachi Pakistan
21/01/2004 12075010 Mustard oil 20 Ltr Bombay sea Mombasa Kenya
20/01/2004 12075090 Mustard oil 20 Ltr Bombay sea Mombasa Kenya
20/01/2004 12119049 Hajmola 32 Btl Bombay sea Mombasa Kenya
20/01/2004 13019049 Asafoiteda powder 90 Kgs Bombay sea Mombasa Kenya
18/12/2004 17011110 Candy 2 Pac Bombay air Karachi Pakistan
18/12/2004 17041000 Mukhvas 3 Pac Bombay air Karachi Pakistan
20/01/2004 19053290 Kurkure wafers 1600 Pac Bombay sea Mombasa Kenya

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
22/08/2003 48191010 Empty gift box for halogen lamp 2000 Pcs Jnpt China China
4/02/2004 73151290 Key chain 4600 Doz Bombay sea China China
12/03/2004 73158900 Alarm clock 539,563,564 2500 Pcs Bombay sea    
25/06/2003 84212200 Water dispenser 1 Pcs Bombay sea China China
19/11/2003 85392110 Halogen lamp mr16 50 watts 60000 Pcs Jnpt China China
22/08/2003 85392190 Halogen lamp mr-16,50 watts 90000 Pcs Jnpt China China
20/01/2003 85392901 Halogen lamp mr-16, 12v 50w 10000 Pcs Bombay sea China China
29/08/2003 85392930 Miniature bulb round ball 100 bulb set 2700 Pcs Jnpt China China
7/01/2004 91052900 Alaram clock 2100 Pcs Bombay sea China China
6/02/2004 91059990 Alarm clock 200 Pcs Bombay sea China China

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 48191010 Cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres; box files, letter trays, and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like empty gift box for halogen lamp
Import 73151290 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or steel key chain
Import 73158900 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or steel alarm clock 539,563,564
Import 84212200 Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquid or gases water dispenser
Import 85392110 Electric filament or discharge lamps, including sealed beam lamp units and ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps halogen lamp mr16 50 watts
Import 85392190 Electric filament or discharge lamps, including sealed beam lamp units and ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps halogen lamp mr-16,50 watts
Import 85392901 Electric filament or discharge lamps, including sealed beam lamp units and ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps halogen lamp mr-16, 12v 50w
Import 85392930 Electric filament or discharge lamps, including sealed beam lamp units and ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps miniature bulb round ball 100 bulb set
Import 91052900 Other clocks alaram clock
Import 91059990 Other clocks alarm clock

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01011010 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies free sample of no commercial value:- handcrimping bottle sealing machine
Export 07129010 Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared amla
Export 08011100 Cocounts, brazil nuts and cashew nuts,fresh or dried,whether or not shelled or peeled cashew nut
Export 12075010 Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken mustard oil
Export 12075090 Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken mustard oil
Export 12119049 Plants and parts of plants (including seeds and fruits), of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purpose, fresh or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered hajmola
Export 13019049 Lac; natural gums, resins, gum-resins and oleoresins (for example, balsams) asafoiteda powder
Export 17011110 Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form candy
Export 17041000 Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa mukhvas
Export 19053290 Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products. kurkure wafers

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