13/17,dadisheth Agiari Lane, Kanchan Bhawan,kalbadevi, Mumbai Maharashtra India
Ph: 2018595/2018291/2057877

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
7/08/2003 39209911 Stock lot of rejected pvc film in reels (different sizes g sm) 19 Mts Jnpt Belgium Belgium
15/01/2003 47079000 Waste paepr rejected tetra flat sheets 1 Mts Madras sea Tw Tw
29/12/2004 48116000 Rejected printed waste of tetra pak in loose sheets 7 Mts Madras sea    
21/04/2003 48119011 Rejected printed unprinted laminated paper board(tetra pack paper) 49 Mts Jnpt United arab emirates United arab emirates
13/05/2004 48119099 Rejected printed waste of tetra pak(printer`s reject) loosesheets with 17 Mts Madras sea    

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 39209911 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not-reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials stock lot of rejected pvc film in reels (different sizes g sm)
Import 47079000 Recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard waste paepr rejected tetra flat sheets
Import 48116000 Paper, paperboard, cellulose wading and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated, covered, surface - coloured , surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets, of any size, other than goods of the kind described in he rejected printed waste of tetra pak in loose sheets
Import 48119011 Paper, paperboard, cellulose wading and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated, covered, surface - coloured , surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets, of any size, other than goods of the kind described in he rejected printed unprinted laminated paper board(tetra pack paper)
Import 48119099 Paper, paperboard, cellulose wading and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated, covered, surface - coloured , surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets, of any size, other than goods of the kind described in he rejected printed waste of tetra pak(printer`s reject) loosesheets with

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