21 Joniawas, Dharuhera Rewari Haryana India

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
8/04/2004 01011010 Empty hard gelatin capsules(printed) sizeo 6 Nos Delhi air Ho chi minh Vietnam, democratic rep. of
21/07/2004 01011090 Empty hard gelatin capsules 5000 Nos Delhi air Ho chi minh Vietnam, democratic rep. of
30/12/2004 28258000 Empty hard gelatin capules (unprinted) size '1' h.f. grade 1 Nos Delhi tkd icd Dubai United arab emirates
7/05/2004 30011010 Empty hard gelatine capsules size 3 qty 2000000nos, size 2 qty 1000000nos (total 3000000 nos 1 Lot Delhi air Bangkok Thailand
8/10/2004 30011099 Empty hard gelatine capsules 7000 Nos Delhi air Newark United states
3/12/2003 35030010 A209 empty hard gelatine capsules printe d size 2 black/orange batch no. b 80311 032 14000 Pcs Jnpt Dar es salaam Tanga
12/04/2004 62063000 Empty hard gelatin capsules(printed) sizeo 2 Nos Delhi air Ho chi minh Vietnam, democratic rep. of
28/06/2004 90099900 Empty hard gelatin capsules size `2' 3 Nos Delhi air Damascus Syria
6/05/2003 96020003 A 209 empty hard gelatine capsules print ed (maroon /yellow batch no b 79304081) 2 Nos Jnpt Dar es sal Tanga
23/01/2004 96020010 A 209 empty hard gelatine capsules clear tr b864010200 850000 Nos Jnpt Durban South africa

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
10/11/2003 35030010 Limed bone gelatin (pharmaceut 12000 Kgs Bombay sea United kingdom United kingdom
26/03/2004 35030020 Gelita pharmaceutical gelatine 250 bloom limed bone 2000 Kgs Bombay air Franqueville Franqueville
12/07/2004 84439010 Feed bar with chain for size 0 and 00 combination (part for capsule printing machine) 2 Set Delhi air Shanghai Shanghai
8/11/2004 84439090 Code m5 (parts for capsule printing machine) 10 Pcs Delhi air Sha Sha
31/12/2004 84807900 Self locking pin bar cap & body for size'o' 2400 Pcs Delhi air Sin Sin
24/08/2004 90314900 227b .3.1 ce (nimh) ship kit 227/hh200 220v manual general air (partical counter) 1 Set Delhi air San francisco San francisco

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 35030010 Gelatin [including gelatin in rectangular (including square) sheets, whether or not surface-worked or coloured] and gelatin derivatives; isinglass; other glues of animal origin, excluding casein glues of heading 3501 limed bone gelatin (pharmaceut
Import 35030020 Gelatin [including gelatin in rectangular (including square) sheets, whether or not surface-worked or coloured] and gelatin derivatives; isinglass; other glues of animal origin, excluding casein glues of heading 3501 gelita pharmaceutical gelatine 250 bloom limed bone
Import 84439010 Printing machinery used for printing by means of the printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442; ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading 8471; machines for uses ancillary to printing feed bar with chain for size 0 and 00 combination (part for capsule printing machine)
Import 84439090 Printing machinery used for printing by means of the printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442; ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading 8471; machines for uses ancillary to printing code m5 (parts for capsule printing machine)
Import 84807900 Moulding boxes for metal foundry; mould bases; moulding patterns; moulds for metal (other than ingot moulds), metal carbides, glass, mineral; materials, rubber or plastics self locking pin bar cap & body for size'o'
Import 90314900 Measuring or checking instruments, appliances and machines not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; profile projectors. 227b .3.1 ce (nimh) ship kit 227/hh200 220v manual general air (partical counter)

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01011010 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies empty hard gelatin capsules(printed) sizeo
Export 01011090 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies empty hard gelatin capsules
Export 28258000 Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts; other inorganic bases; other metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides empty hard gelatin capules (unprinted) size '1' h.f. grade
Export 30011010 Glands and other organs for organo-therapeutic uses, dried, whether or not powdered; extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions for organo therapeutic uses;heparin and its salts; other human or animal substances prepared for therapeutic or empty hard gelatine capsules size 3 qty 2000000nos, size 2 qty 1000000nos (total 3000000 nos
Export 30011099 Glands and other organs for organo-therapeutic uses, dried, whether or not powdered; extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions for organo therapeutic uses;heparin and its salts; other human or animal substances prepared for therapeutic or empty hard gelatine capsules
Export 35030010 Gelatin [including gelatin in rectangular (including square) sheets, whether or not surface-worked or coloured] and gelatin derivatives; isinglass; other glues of animal origin, excluding casein glues of heading 3501 a209 empty hard gelatine capsules printe d size 2 black/orange batch no. b 80311 032
Export 62063000 Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses empty hard gelatin capsules(printed) sizeo
Export 90099900 Photocopying apparatus incorporating an optical system or of the contact-type and thermo-copying apparatus empty hard gelatin capsules size `2'
Export 96020003 Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials moulded or carved articles of wax, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles, not elsewhere specified or inlclude a 209 empty hard gelatine capsules print ed (maroon /yellow batch no b 79304081)
Export 96020010 Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials moulded or carved articles of wax, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles, not elsewhere specified or inlclude a 209 empty hard gelatine capsules clear tr b864010200

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