Shop No.10, House No.594, Shamji Gangji Chawl, Pipe Road, Kurla (w)1 Mumbai Maharashtra. India

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
2/12/2003 33030040 Air freshner (assorted) 204 Doz Bombay sea China China
5/04/2004 39241090 Plastic boded camera 140 Doz Bombay sea China China
10/10/2003 63021010 Gift & noveltys : bed sheet 20 Pcs Bombay sea China China
10/10/2003 63031100 Gift & noveltys : curtain with 2 Ctn Bombay sea China China
5/04/2004 70200019 Globe (small) 787 Doz Bombay sea China China
22/03/2004 70200029 Globe (small) 40 Doz Bombay sea    
5/04/2004 73239390 3pcs bowl set 270 Doz Bombay sea China China
10/10/2003 73239990 Gift & noveltys : steel basket 291 Doz Bombay sea China China
10/10/2003 85271900 Gift & noveltys : dvd player 4 Pcs Bombay sea China China
22/03/2004 87120090 Just start cycle 25 Doz Bombay sea    

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 33030040 Perfumes and toilet waters air freshner (assorted)
Import 39241090 Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of plastics plastic boded camera
Import 63021010 Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen gift & noveltys : bed sheet
Import 63031100 Curtains (including drapes) and interior blinds: curtain or bed valances gift & noveltys : curtain with
Import 70200019 globe (small)
Import 70200029 globe (small)
Import 73239390 Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of iron or steel; iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of iron or steel 3pcs bowl set
Import 73239990 Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of iron or steel; iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of iron or steel gift & noveltys : steel basket
Import 85271900 Reception apparatus for radio-telephony or radio-broadcasting, whether or not combined, in the same housing, with sound recording apparatus or a clock gift & noveltys : dvd player
Import 87120090 Bicycles and other cycles (including delivery tricycles), not motorised just start cycle

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