A-7 Green Park Extension New Delhi India
Ph: 6966214 - 6855680

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
1/05/2004 01011010 H/c glass & iron items four leaves-small 720 Pcs Delhi ppg icd Bangkok Thailand
27/08/2004 01011090 Hand crafted glass artwarre crackleglass bauble silver 864 Pcs Delhi air London United kingdom
17/04/2004 26011210 Artistic iron artware:- iron scroll trivet 108 Pcs Delhi ppg icd Tokyo Japan
30/10/2003 28273300 Handcrafted iron items twisted plr holder 24 brnz finish 198 Pcs Jnpt Baltimore Usa
17/07/2003 34060000 Hand crafted a/w: 6pk beaded candles 1200 Pcs Jnpt Montreal Canada
8/10/2003 34060010 Hand crafted wax items candle small 204 Pcs Bombay air London United kingdom
1/12/2004 40170090 Rubber brushes 800 Pcs Delhi air Richmond United states
8/10/2004 42031010 Floor mirror 1 Pcs Delhi air Dallas United states
3/03/2004 44130000 Iron/wood sconce 312 Pcs Jnpt Los angeles Usa
10/06/2003 44209009 Artistic iron, iron w/wood artware :- wood artware 360 Pcs Jnpt Tilbury United kingdom

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
24/04/2004 32071010 Brown colour (powder)(for candles) 2 Kgs Delhi air Fgu Fgu
11/11/2004 32081020 Asorted kfc cracking effect base lacquer (samples for company trail) 3 Kgs Delhi air Nue Nue
11/11/2004 32089022 Asorted kfc lacquer colourless shiny (samples for company trail) 6 Kgs Delhi air Nue Nue
11/11/2004 32089090 Starterkit for kfc (samples for company trail) 1 Set Delhi air Nue Nue
11/11/2004 38140010 Special thinner (samples for company trail) 0 Ltr Delhi air Nue Nue
11/11/2004 38140020 Asorted kfc special colourless lacquer (samples for companytrail) 1 Ltr Delhi air Nue Nue
29/11/2004 49119990 Kaiser colorbook glass 1 Set Delhi air Nürnberg Nürnberg
11/11/2004 95059090 Glass samples presentation 1 Set Delhi air Nue Nue

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 32071010 Prepared pigments, preparated opacifiers and prepared colours, vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips), liquid lustres and similar preparations, of a kind used in the ceramic enamelling or glass industry; glass frit and other glass, in the form of brown colour (powder)(for candles)
Import 32081020 Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in a non-aqueous medium; solutions as defined in note 4 to this chapter asorted kfc cracking effect base lacquer (samples for company trail)
Import 32089022 Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in a non-aqueous medium; solutions as defined in note 4 to this chapter asorted kfc lacquer colourless shiny (samples for company trail)
Import 32089090 Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in a non-aqueous medium; solutions as defined in note 4 to this chapter starterkit for kfc (samples for company trail)
Import 38140010 Organic composite solvents and thinners, not elsewhere specified or included; prepared paint or varnish removers special thinner (samples for company trail)
Import 38140020 Organic composite solvents and thinners, not elsewhere specified or included; prepared paint or varnish removers asorted kfc special colourless lacquer (samples for companytrail)
Import 49119990 Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographs. kaiser colorbook glass
Import 95059090 Festive, carnival or other entertainment articles, including conjuring tricks and novelty jokes glass samples presentation

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01011010 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies h/c glass & iron items four leaves-small
Export 01011090 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies hand crafted glass artwarre crackleglass bauble silver
Export 26011210 Iron ores and concentrates, including roasted iron pyrites artistic iron artware:- iron scroll trivet
Export 28273300 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides; bromides and bromide oxides; iodides and iodide oxides handcrafted iron items twisted plr holder 24 brnz finish
Export 34060000 Candles, tapers and the like hand crafted a/w: 6pk beaded candles
Export 34060010 Candles, tapers and the like hand crafted wax items candle small
Export 40170090 Hard rubber (for example, ebonite) in all forms, including waste and scrap; articles of hard rubber. rubber brushes
Export 42031010 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of leather or of composition leather floor mirror
Export 44130000 iron/wood sconce
Export 44209009 Wood marequetry and inlaid wood; caskets and cases for jewellery or cutlery, and similar articles, of wood; statuettes and other ornaments, of wood; wooden articles of furniture not falling in chapter 94 artistic iron, iron w/wood artware :- wood artware

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