4, B. B. D. Bag (east) 40, Stephen House, Kolkata West Bengal India
Ph: 2220 7008

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
13/01/2004 27101910 04 ctns of lubricants wt 0.083mt 83 Kgs Calcutta sea Dz Algeria
16/04/2004 27101990 Low viscocity furnace oil 200 litersfree trade sample no 200 Ltr Calcutta sea It Italy
29/11/2003 40111090 Rubber gaskets 65 Pcs Calcutta air Bn Brunei
13/01/2004 40169340 25 ctn dia 200mm rubber gasketsnw.0.324mt 926 Pcs Calcutta sea Dz Algeria
26/04/2004 49019900 Rubber gaskets dn 200mm (free tradesample having no com 100 Nos Calcutta air Qa Qatar
10/09/2004 68129022 Rubber gaskets dn 900mm 10 Nos Calcutta air   Qatar
26/06/2003 73030003 520pcs of loose ductile iron spun pipesdia 250mmx5.5mtrs n. 2860 Mtr Calcutta sea Bn Brunei
13/01/2004 73030010 Iron spun pipe 362 Mts Calcutta sea Qa Qatar
5/08/2003 73030020 Iron spun pipes 80 Nos Calcutta sea Qa Qatar
13/01/2004 73030030 112 bdls=882 pcs of d.i.spun pipes dia200x5.5 mtrs n.m.wt. 4851 Mtr Calcutta sea Dz Algeria

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
22/10/2003 25233000 High alumina cement (calcoat rg) 21 Mts Calcutta sea Fr Fr
5/08/2003 25239020 Koag 4x(25kgs plastic bags containing refractory materials) 20 Mts Calcutta sea Gb Gb
20/09/2004 26011190 Ashton mineral ore (sample-no commercial value raw materialof ductile iron pipe-iron ore) 100 Kgs Calcutta air    
24/06/2004 27011910 Coking coal 5000 Mts Calcutta sea    
10/06/2003 27040009 Low ash metallurgical coke in bulk of japanese origin 3126 Mts Calcutta sea Jp Jp
2/06/2003 27040090 Low ash metallurgical coke 4885 Mts Calcutta sea Jp Jp
12/10/2004 27101990 Lubricant 2569.00kg (soap based water soluble lubricant for jointing pipe) 2430 Ltr Calcutta sea    
1/01/2003 27149001 Inertol bs 10/fr black exp (bitumen) 20000 Kgs Calcutta sea De De
18/02/2003 27149010 Inertolbs 10/fr black exp. (bitumen) 20000 Kgs Calcutta sea De De
23/05/2003 27149020 Inertol b/s10 fr black exp. (bitumen) 20000 Kgs Calcutta sea De De

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 25233000 Portland cement, aluminous cement ( cement fondu ), slag cement, supersulphate cement and similar hydraulic cements, whether or not coloured or in the form of clinkers high alumina cement (calcoat rg)
Import 25239020 Portland cement, aluminous cement ( cement fondu ), slag cement, supersulphate cement and similar hydraulic cements, whether or not coloured or in the form of clinkers koag 4x(25kgs plastic bags containing refractory materials)
Import 26011190 Iron ores and concentrates, including roasted iron pyrites ashton mineral ore (sample-no commercial value raw materialof ductile iron pipe-iron ore)
Import 27011910 Coal, briquettes, ovoids and similar fuel manufactured from coal coking coal
Import 27040009 Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat, whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon low ash metallurgical coke in bulk of japanese origin
Import 27040090 Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat, whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon low ash metallurgical coke
Import 27101990 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic cons lubricant 2569.00kg (soap based water soluble lubricant for jointing pipe)
Import 27149001 Bitumen and asphalt, natural bituminous or oil shale and tar sands; asphaltities and asphaltic rocks inertol bs 10/fr black exp (bitumen)
Import 27149010 Bitumen and asphalt, natural bituminous or oil shale and tar sands; asphaltities and asphaltic rocks inertolbs 10/fr black exp. (bitumen)
Import 27149020 Bitumen and asphalt, natural bituminous or oil shale and tar sands; asphaltities and asphaltic rocks inertol b/s10 fr black exp. (bitumen)

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 27101910 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic cons 04 ctns of lubricants wt 0.083mt
Export 27101990 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic cons low viscocity furnace oil 200 litersfree trade sample no
Export 40111090 New pneumatic tyres, of rubber rubber gaskets
Export 40169340 Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber 25 ctn dia 200mm rubber gasketsnw.0.324mt
Export 49019900 Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets rubber gaskets dn 200mm (free tradesample having no com
Export 68129022 Fabricated asbestos fibres; mixtures with a basis of asbestos or with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate; articles of such mixtures or of asbestos (for example, thread, woven fabric, clothing, head-gear, footwear, gaskets), whether or not reinfor rubber gaskets dn 900mm
Export 73030003 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron 520pcs of loose ductile iron spun pipesdia 250mmx5.5mtrs n.
Export 73030010 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron iron spun pipe
Export 73030020 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron iron spun pipes
Export 73030030 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron 112 bdls=882 pcs of d.i.spun pipes dia200x5.5 mtrs n.m.wt.

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