105,elite House,36 Community Centre (zamrudpur), Kailash Colony Extn. New Delhi India

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
11/11/2004 70119090 Glass tube (part of heating system) 2 Pcs Delhi air London London
5/10/2004 73181900 Screw set for gas flow meter (parts of gas burner) 3 Pcs Delhi air Stuttgart Stuttgart
2/12/2004 73229090 Are 35 burner assemby (parts for heating system) 15 Pcs Delhi ppg icd Bhm Bhm
5/10/2004 84169000 Ingnition transformer with continous ignitious (parts of gas burner) 1 Pcs Delhi air Stuttgart Stuttgart
5/10/2004 90261010 Gas flow meter (parts of gas burner) 3 Pcs Delhi air Stuttgart Stuttgart

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 70119090 Glass envelopes (including bulbs and tubes), open, and glass parts thereof, without fittings, for electric lamps, cathode-ray tubes or the like glass tube (part of heating system)
Import 73181900 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach-screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of iron or steel screw set for gas flow meter (parts of gas burner)
Import 73229090 Radiators for central heating, not electrically heated, and parts thereof, of iron or steel; air heaters and hot air distributors (including distributors which can also distribute fresh or conditioned air), not electrically heated, incorporating a motor-d are 35 burner assemby (parts for heating system)
Import 84169000 Furnace burners for liquid fuel, for pulverised solid fuel or gor gas; mechanical stokers, mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances ingnition transformer with continous ignitious (parts of gas burner)
Import 90261010 Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases (for example, flow meters, level gauges, monometers, heat meters), excluding instruments and gas flow meter (parts of gas burner)

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