Green Lagoon Bunglow E-96 Saket New Delhi India

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
28/09/2004 01011090 Christmas hangings 400 Pcs Delhi air Copenhangen Denmark
5/04/2004 40012990 Rubber mattress 6-6x40-9 1 Pcs Delhi ppg icd Stuttgart Germany
12/04/2004 57011000 Cotton & woollen fabric hemp 10 Mtr Delhi air Chicago United states
2/11/2004 57022020 Kashmir handmade handknotted staple carpets:-- 233 Sqm Delhi ppg icd Hamburg Germany
1/11/2004 57022090 Kashmir handmade/handknotted silk pile carpets 160 Sqm Delhi ppg icd Hamburg Germany
26/07/2004 57023110 Kashmir hand made/handknotted silk pile carpets 5 Sqm Delhi air Grenada Trinidad & tobago
6/12/2004 57023920 Kashmir hand made handknotted silk pile carpets 110 Sqm Delhi air Hamburg Germany
29/10/2004 57050011 Hnad-knotted/handmade/handt uffed silk carpets all sosrts pile carpets having mo 94 Sqm Delhi tkd icd Aa rhus Denmark
10/06/2003 57050015 Kashmir handmade/handknotted staple/ rayon (syenthetic) carpets. 41 Sqm Jnpt Hamburg Fr germany
21/11/2003 57050019 Kashmir handmade/handknotted silk pile carpets having more than 500 knots per r unning mtr.warp 23 Sqm Jnpt Kolding Denmark

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
26/06/2004 50040010 60 nm/2 spun silk yarn 50 Kgs Delhi air Shanghai Shanghai

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 50040010 Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sale 60 nm/2 spun silk yarn

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01011090 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies christmas hangings
Export 40012990 Natural rubber, balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar natural gums, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip rubber mattress 6-6x40-9
Export 57011000 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, knotted, whether or not made up cotton & woollen fabric hemp
Export 57022020 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, including kelem , schumacks , karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs kashmir handmade handknotted staple carpets:--
Export 57022090 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, including kelem , schumacks , karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs kashmir handmade/handknotted silk pile carpets
Export 57023110 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, including kelem , schumacks , karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs kashmir hand made/handknotted silk pile carpets
Export 57023920 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, including kelem , schumacks , karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs kashmir hand made handknotted silk pile carpets
Export 57050011 Other carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up hnad-knotted/handmade/handt uffed silk carpets all sosrts pile carpets having mo
Export 57050015 Other carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up kashmir handmade/handknotted staple/ rayon (syenthetic) carpets.
Export 57050019 Other carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up kashmir handmade/handknotted silk pile carpets having more than 500 knots per r unning mtr.warp

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