Mouza: Khariberia, P.o. & Thana: Bishnupur, Dist: 24 Pgs(s) India
Ph: 2429900/9901

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
19/02/2003 26201900 Gtz brand metal finishing chemicalunikleen 5100 3000 Kgs Calcutta sea Id Indonesia
19/02/2003 28273600 Gtz brand metal finishing chemicalgetflux-s 15000 Kgs Calcutta sea Id Indonesia
4/01/2003 28353900 Metal finishing chemicalunikleen-5100 3000 Kgs Calcutta sea Id Indonesia
13/01/2003 28415001 Gtz brand metal finishing chemicalchemidite 14-2 600 Kgs Calcutta sea Ke Kenya
15/09/2003 28415010 Metal finishing chemical chemidite-5185(passivation) 3000 Ltr Calcutta sea Eg Egypt
15/07/2004 28415090 Metal finishing chemical chemidite 14-2 600 Kgs Calcutta sea   Kenya
6/08/2003 29082029 Free trade sample of no commercial valuemetal finishing chem 20 Kgs Calcutta sea Id Indonesia
7/02/2003 29130001 Gtz brand metal finishing chemicalcoronib 5280 3000 Ltr Calcutta sea Eg Egypt
15/07/2004 29130090 Metal finishing chemical msp5100 300 Ltr Calcutta sea   Egypt
23/07/2003 38249001 Metal finishing chemicalnipurifier salt 20 Kgs Calcutta sea Ke Kenya

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
15/09/2003 28271000 Ammonium chloride 99.5% min 22 Mts Calcutta sea Cn Cn
1/12/2003 28273600 Zinc chloride 98% min 110 Mts Calcutta sea Cn Cn
24/09/2003 28353100 Dyestuffs(sodium tri poly phosphate)sample free of charge n.c.v. 0 Kgs Calcutta air Cn Cn
7/10/2004 29212100 Electroplating chem.dicolloy polyoxiethylene-polyoxipropylene on ethylenediamine & sulfosuccinic aci 30 Kgs Calcutta sea    
7/10/2004 29215190 Electroplating chm.dicolloy kdya min 20%weight of polymerized n-methylformylaniline in acetic acid 130 Kgs Calcutta sea    
7/10/2004 29239000 Electroplating chem.dicolloy kbpa min 10% weight of benzyl-diethylenetetramine-chloride 5 Kgs Calcutta sea    
7/10/2004 29303000 Electroplating chem.dicolloy of dimethyl-dithiocarbamic acid,sulfoproyplester,sodium salt 80 Kgs Calcutta sea    
7/10/2004 39072010 Electroplating chem.dicolloy ktpc 1,2 etandiamine,polymer with methyloxirane & oxirane 3 Kgs Calcutta sea    

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 28271000 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides; bromides and bromide oxides; iodides and iodide oxides ammonium chloride 99.5% min
Import 28273600 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides; bromides and bromide oxides; iodides and iodide oxides zinc chloride 98% min
Import 28353100 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), phosphonates (phosphites), phosphates and polyphosphates whether or not chemically defined dyestuffs(sodium tri poly phosphate)sample free of charge n.c.v.
Import 29212100 Amine function compounds electroplating chem.dicolloy polyoxiethylene-polyoxipropylene on ethylenediamine & sulfosuccinic aci
Import 29215190 Amine function compounds electroplating chm.dicolloy kdya min 20%weight of polymerized n-methylformylaniline in acetic acid
Import 29239000 Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxide; lecithins and other phosphoamino-lipids, whether or not chemically defined ; electroplating chem.dicolloy kbpa min 10% weight of benzyl-diethylenetetramine-chloride
Import 29303000 Organo-sulphur compounds electroplating chem.dicolloy of dimethyl-dithiocarbamic acid,sulfoproyplester,sodium salt
Import 39072010 Polyacetals, other polyethers and epoxide resins, in primary forms; polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallylesters and other polyesters, in primary forms electroplating chem.dicolloy ktpc 1,2 etandiamine,polymer with methyloxirane & oxirane

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 26201900 Ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing arsenic, metals or their compounds gtz brand metal finishing chemicalunikleen 5100
Export 28273600 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides; bromides and bromide oxides; iodides and iodide oxides gtz brand metal finishing chemicalgetflux-s
Export 28353900 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), phosphonates (phosphites), phosphates and polyphosphates whether or not chemically defined metal finishing chemicalunikleen-5100
Export 28415001 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids gtz brand metal finishing chemicalchemidite 14-2
Export 28415010 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids metal finishing chemical chemidite-5185(passivation)
Export 28415090 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids metal finishing chemical chemidite 14-2
Export 29082029 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols free trade sample of no commercial valuemetal finishing chem
Export 29130001 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of products of heading 2912 gtz brand metal finishing chemicalcoronib 5280
Export 29130090 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of products of heading 2912 metal finishing chemical msp5100
Export 38249001 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included metal finishing chemicalnipurifier salt

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