State Highway No. 13,village Kondh District Bharuch Gujarat India
Ph: 02643-75106,02643-75116

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
30/12/2003 01011010 12 mirror (on float glass clear) 3mm x 1830mm x 2440mm 3214 Sqm Jnpt Durban South africa
28/08/2003 01011090 Float glass (clear) 12mx2135mmx3050mm 3855 Sqm Bombay air Colombo Sri lanka
16/08/2004 29420011 Non dangerous chemicals samples fro test ing purpose only raw material soad ash f or chemical analys 1 Pcs Bombay air Cologne United states
27/09/2004 29420090 Sand,dolomite,lime stone feldspar (details as per invoice) 80 Kgs Bombay air New york United states
28/08/2003 33030090 Perfume 814 Pcs Bombay air Kingston Jamaica
29/04/2003 55151100 J37 p.v. suiting 58 grey/bleach.dyed and /or ptd. fab. wiw/w.out embd. mfg.o ut of spun yarn fr 750 Mtr Jnpt New york Usa
29/08/2003 62052000 Float glass (tinted gray) 5.5 mm x 2100 mm x 3210 mm 1132 Sqm Bombay air Aqaba Jordan
23/03/2004 70010090 Float glass clear 3mm x 1220mm x 1540mm 272 Sdm Jnpt Mombasa Kenya
17/07/2003 70051000 Float glass tinted gray 6 mm x 2250 mm x 3210 mm 758 Sqm Jnpt Coslada  
10/09/2003 70051010 Mirror (on float glass clear) 4mm x 1220mm x 1830mm 198 Sqm Bombay sea Lilongwe Malawi

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
25/12/2003 02826199 Gmp-a(metalizer). 500 Ltr Bombay sea Fra Fra
25/12/2003 02827399 Rng-7252e (super sensitizer). 20 Ltr Bombay sea Fra Fra
25/12/2003 03208109 Mirror backed paint (top coat) uv compatible sk968ouv)under d 17351 Kgs Bombay sea Fra Fra
25/12/2003 03208209 Mirror backed paint (base coat) red leadfree (sk1080). 5528 Ltr Bombay sea Frg Frg
25/12/2003 03824909 Gmp-ma2000(reducer) 4150 Ltr Bombay sea Fra Fra
25/12/2003 04407100 Lumber s4s kd spf no 3 wood 281 Cbm Bombay sea Can Can
5/02/2003 27040090 Glassmakers carbon (metallurgi 19 Mts Bombay sea United sta United sta
11/02/2003 28049000 Commercial grade selenium-200 1800 Lbs Bombay sea Philippine Philippine
15/10/2003 28182010 Aluminium oxide 15 Kgs Bombay air Italy Italy
22/07/2003 28182090 Aluminium oxide 15 Kgs Bombay air Italy Italy

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 02826199 gmp-a(metalizer).
Import 02827399 rng-7252e (super sensitizer).
Import 03208109 mirror backed paint (top coat) uv compatible sk968ouv)under d
Import 03208209 mirror backed paint (base coat) red leadfree (sk1080).
Import 03824909 gmp-ma2000(reducer)
Import 04407100 lumber s4s kd spf no 3 wood
Import 27040090 Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat, whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon glassmakers carbon (metallurgi
Import 28049000 Hydrogen, rare gases and other non-metals commercial grade selenium-200
Import 28182010 Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined; aluminium oxide; aluminium hydroxide aluminium oxide
Import 28182090 Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined; aluminium oxide; aluminium hydroxide aluminium oxide

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01011010 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies 12 mirror (on float glass clear) 3mm x 1830mm x 2440mm
Export 01011090 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies float glass (clear) 12mx2135mmx3050mm
Export 29420011 Other organic compounds non dangerous chemicals samples fro test ing purpose only raw material soad ash f or chemical analys
Export 29420090 Other organic compounds sand,dolomite,lime stone feldspar (details as per invoice)
Export 33030090 Perfumes and toilet waters perfume
Export 55151100 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres j37 p.v. suiting 58 grey/bleach.dyed and /or ptd. fab. wiw/w.out embd. mfg.o ut of spun yarn fr
Export 62052000 Men's or boys' shirts float glass (tinted gray) 5.5 mm x 2100 mm x 3210 mm
Export 70010090 Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass; glass in the mass float glass clear 3mm x 1220mm x 1540mm
Export 70051000 Float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked float glass tinted gray 6 mm x 2250 mm x 3210 mm
Export 70051010 Float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked mirror (on float glass clear) 4mm x 1220mm x 1830mm

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