
Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
8/12/2004 40169320 Oil seal, o-rings 15 Kgs Cochin air    
25/02/2004 73181190 Ball screws 18 Kgs Cochin air Jpn Jpn
25/05/2004 73269099 Cyl jacket 8 Kgs Cochin air United kingdom United kingdom
8/12/2004 82057000 Flat cages, clamps, plates 1 Kgs Cochin air    
25/04/2004 82058020 Grinding wheel 52 Kgs Cochin air    
25/03/2004 84439090 Bridge roller 36 Kgs Cochin air    
25/03/2004 84669360 Turret 485 Kgs Cochin air    
8/12/2004 84669390 Servo turret 120 Kgs Cochin air    
8/12/2004 84818030 Miniature coupling safety coupling 10 Kgs Cochin air    
25/06/2004 84821019 Bearing 110 Kgs Cochin air    

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 40169320 Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber oil seal, o-rings
Import 73181190 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach-screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of iron or steel ball screws
Import 73269099 Other articles of iron or steel cyl jacket
Import 82057000 Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds), not elsewhere specified or included; blow lamps; vices; clamps and the like, other than accessories for and parts of, machine tools; anvils; portable forges; hand or pedal-operated grinding wheels with framework flat cages, clamps, plates
Import 82058020 Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds), not elsewhere specified or included; blow lamps; vices; clamps and the like, other than accessories for and parts of, machine tools; anvils; portable forges; hand or pedal-operated grinding wheels with framework grinding wheel
Import 84439090 Printing machinery used for printing by means of the printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442; ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading 8471; machines for uses ancillary to printing bridge roller
Import 84669360 Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines or headings 8456 to 8465, including work or tool holders, self-opening dieheads, dividing heads and other special attachments for machine-tools; tool holders for any type of to turret
Import 84669390 Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines or headings 8456 to 8465, including work or tool holders, self-opening dieheads, dividing heads and other special attachments for machine-tools; tool holders for any type of to servo turret
Import 84818030 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boilers shells, tanks, vats or the like, including pressure-reducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves miniature coupling safety coupling
Import 84821019 Ball or roller bearings bearing

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