12-a,dattatraya Niwas,1st Floor, Opp.porturguese Church,dadar, Mumbai ,maharashtra Maharashtra India

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
10/07/2003 29420001 Sion sr.no. 330 oxyclozanide bp vet 250 Kgs Bombay air Islamabad Pakistan
19/07/2004 29420023 Oxyclozanide bp vet 85 100 Kgs Bombay air Dhaka Bangladesh
9/06/2003 29420028 Cetirizine di hcl b.p non ep 25 Kgs Bombay air Peshawar Pakistan
5/11/2003 29420090 Lidocaine hcl b.p. 700 Kgs Jnpt London United kingdom
21/09/2004 30041010 Chlorpheniramine maleatepharmacopiea: usp 25 200 Kgs Bombay air New york United states
1/12/2003 30049011 Lidocaine hcl b.p. 100 Kgs Bombay air Islamabad Pakistan
14/10/2004 30049021 Lidocaine hcl bp 2001 200 Kga Bombay air Islamabad Pakistan
29/04/2003 30049028 Sion sr.no. a-330 oxyclozanide bp vet 200 Kgs Bombay air Islamabad Pakistan
10/12/2003 30049099 Lidocaine hcl b.p. 100 Kgs Bombay air Islamabad Pakistan

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
25/11/2003 29036229 1,3 difluoro benzene 500 Kgs Bombay sea China China
6/06/2003 29049090 4-chloro 2 nitro toluene 1000 Kgs Bombay sea China China
15/01/2003 29214909 2,6-xylidine 1000 Kgs Bombay sea China China
7/03/2003 29214910 2,6 xylidine 2000 Kgs Bombay sea Germany Germany
3/11/2003 29214990 2,6-xylindine 1000 Kgs Bombay sea China China

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 29036229 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons 1,3 difluoro benzene
Import 29049090 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated 4-chloro 2 nitro toluene
Import 29214909 Amine function compounds 2,6-xylidine
Import 29214910 Amine function compounds 2,6 xylidine
Import 29214990 Amine function compounds 2,6-xylindine

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 29420001 Other organic compounds sion sr.no. 330 oxyclozanide bp vet
Export 29420023 Other organic compounds oxyclozanide bp vet 85
Export 29420028 Other organic compounds cetirizine di hcl b.p non ep
Export 29420090 Other organic compounds lidocaine hcl b.p.
Export 30041010 Medicaments(excluding goods of heading 3002,3005 or 3006) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses(including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packings for chlorpheniramine maleatepharmacopiea: usp 25
Export 30049011 Medicaments(excluding goods of heading 3002,3005 or 3006) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses(including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packings for lidocaine hcl b.p.
Export 30049021 Medicaments(excluding goods of heading 3002,3005 or 3006) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses(including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packings for lidocaine hcl bp 2001
Export 30049028 Medicaments(excluding goods of heading 3002,3005 or 3006) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses(including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packings for sion sr.no. a-330 oxyclozanide bp vet
Export 30049099 Medicaments(excluding goods of heading 3002,3005 or 3006) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses(including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packings for lidocaine hcl b.p.

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