No.88, Industrial Suburb, 2nd Stage, Tumkur Road, Bangalore Karnataka India

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
25/04/2003 84592910 Nb65 drilling machine m/c no 0-382-01-0460 (n418) 1 Unt Madras sea Cn Cn
25/04/2003 84592950 Nb65 drilling machine 1 Unt Madras sea Cn Cn
25/04/2003 84651000 Processing centre weeke optimat bhc 350 1 Nos Madras sea De De
25/04/2003 84659100 Optimat ch 03/32/m beam saw machine 1 Unt Madras sea Es Es
15/02/2003 84659400 Hand-operated edge bander optimat ktd 82h 2 Nos Madras sea De De
24/06/2004 84659500 Optimat ch03/32/m (automatic beam saw for cutting machine) 1 Unt Madras sea    

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 84592910 Machine-tools (including way-type unit head machines) drilling, boring, milling, treading or tapping by removing metal, other than lathes (including turning centres) of heading 8458 nb65 drilling machine m/c no 0-382-01-0460 (n418)
Import 84592950 Machine-tools (including way-type unit head machines) drilling, boring, milling, treading or tapping by removing metal, other than lathes (including turning centres) of heading 8458 nb65 drilling machine
Import 84651000 Machine-tools (including machines for nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise assembling) for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials processing centre weeke optimat bhc 350
Import 84659100 Machine-tools (including machines for nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise assembling) for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials optimat ch 03/32/m beam saw machine
Import 84659400 Machine-tools (including machines for nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise assembling) for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials hand-operated edge bander optimat ktd 82h
Import 84659500 Machine-tools (including machines for nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise assembling) for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials optimat ch03/32/m (automatic beam saw for cutting machine)

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