15-b,dada Nagar Kanpur U.p. India
Ph: 224239/224237

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
17/11/2004 32100019 Low quality solvent chemicals 5 Klr Bombay sea    
17/11/2004 32100020 Paint for wooden heels 10 Klr Bombay sea    
30/10/2004 39269099 Plastic measurer (part of shoe machine) 48 Pcs Delhi air Milano Milano
17/11/2004 40082910 Rubber sheets for making soles kness 4 mm 1000 Pcs Bombay sea    
29/12/2003 41151000 Leather board for counters and craps for use in leather indu 800 Mtr Bombay sea Germany Germany
22/09/2003 41152010 Leather board for counter leat from leather scrap for use in 576 Sqm Bombay sea Germany Germany
15/01/2003 42040001 Leather boardmade outt of leatther scrap for mfr of counter 560 Sqm Madras sea De De
22/09/2004 42050011 Welt (for shoes) 160 Kgs Delhi air Wenzhou Wenzhou
1/11/2004 73269099 Nails for shoe industrie fst 45 Kgs Delhi air Milano Milano
30/10/2004 82051000 Step drill d.9.75 (part of shoe machine) 3 Pcs Delhi air Milano Milano

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 32100019 Other paints and varnishes (including enamels, lacquers and distempers); prepared water pigments of a kind used for finishing leather low quality solvent chemicals
Import 32100020 Other paints and varnishes (including enamels, lacquers and distempers); prepared water pigments of a kind used for finishing leather paint for wooden heels
Import 39269099 Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of headings3901 to 3914 plastic measurer (part of shoe machine)
Import 40082910 Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile shapes, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber rubber sheets for making soles kness 4 mm
Import 41151000 Composition leather with a basis of leather or leather fiber, in slabs, sheets or strip, whether or not in rolls; parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles; leather dust, powder and leather board for counters and craps for use in leather indu
Import 41152010 Composition leather with a basis of leather or leather fiber, in slabs, sheets or strip, whether or not in rolls; parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles; leather dust, powder and leather board for counter leat from leather scrap for use in
Import 42040001 Articles of leather or of composition leather, of a kind used in machinery or mechanical appliances or for other technical uses : leather boardmade outt of leatther scrap for mfr of counter
Import 42050011 Other articles of leather or of composition leather : welt (for shoes)
Import 73269099 Other articles of iron or steel nails for shoe industrie fst
Import 82051000 Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds), not elsewhere specified or included; blow lamps; vices; clamps and the like, other than accessories for and parts of, machine tools; anvils; portable forges; hand or pedal-operated grinding wheels with framework step drill d.9.75 (part of shoe machine)

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