
Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
1/07/2004 38021000 Granular activated carbon 26500 Kgs Bombay sea    
14/06/2004 38151900 Rk-212,topsoe steam reforming 4500 Ltr Bombay sea    
10/02/2004 38160000 Insulating castable refractory for secondary reformer al 100 diffusor top cover 5a dcf 9668 2 Pcs Jnpt Italy Italy
13/09/2004 48239090 Paper roll 6 Rol Bombay sea    
30/04/2004 73158900 6681pb steel knuckle chain 900 Fts Bombay sea United states United states
28/09/2004 73193000 Dowen pin 36 Nos Bombay sea    
28/09/2004 73209090 Spring 64 Nos Bombay sea    
28/09/2004 84119900 Shroud set 1st stg 32x772c0163 egment ) for gas turbine 1 Nos Bombay sea    
1/01/2004 84138190 Phos acid supply pump and spar 1 Nos Bombay sea United states United states
14/05/2004 84141000 Revamp of existing vacum syste 1 Nos Bombay sea Germany Germany

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 38021000 Activated carbon; activated natural mineral products; animal black, including spent animal black granular activated carbon
Import 38151900 Reaction initiators, reaction accelerators and catalytic preparations, not elsewhere specified or included rk-212,topsoe steam reforming
Import 38160000 insulating castable refractory for secondary reformer al 100 diffusor top cover 5a dcf 9668
Import 48239090 Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, cut to size or shape; other articles of paper pulp, paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres paper roll
Import 73158900 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or steel 6681pb steel knuckle chain
Import 73193000 Sewing needles, knitting needles, bodkins, crochet hooks, embroidery stilettos and similar articles, for use in the hand, of iron or steel; safety pins and other pins, of iron or steel, not elsewhere specified or included dowen pin
Import 73209090 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel spring
Import 84119900 Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other gas turbines shroud set 1st stg 32x772c0163 egment ) for gas turbine
Import 84138190 Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators phos acid supply pump and spar
Import 84141000 Air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors and fans; ventilating or recycling hoods incorporation a fan, whether or not fitted with filters revamp of existing vacum syste

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