121, Masjid Street Chennampet Vaniyambadi Tn India
Ph: 04174-24536/04174-25592

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
4/06/2003 32041310 Doracryl golden yellow xgfls 200% 200 Kgs Jnpt Germany Germany
22/09/2003 32041393 Doracryl black xbgws 200 Kgs Bombay air Germany Germany
29/06/2004 32041399 Doracryl black xbgws (dyes) 1000 Kgs Bombay sea    
4/03/2003 32049000 Siligen vn 500 Kgs Bombay sea Brazil Brazil
12/03/2004 38099900 Lurapret dps removable head 120 Kgs Jnpt Singapore Singapore
7/01/2004 39043010 Ucar solution vinyl resin vagh 9072 Kgs Jnpt United states United states
6/03/2004 39043090 Ucar solution vinyl resins vagh 9072 Kgs Jnpt United states United states

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 32041310 Synthetic organic coloring matter whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on synthetic organic colouring matter; synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agens or as luminoph doracryl golden yellow xgfls 200%
Import 32041393 Synthetic organic coloring matter whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on synthetic organic colouring matter; synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agens or as luminoph doracryl black xbgws
Import 32041399 Synthetic organic coloring matter whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on synthetic organic colouring matter; synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agens or as luminoph doracryl black xbgws (dyes)
Import 32049000 Synthetic organic coloring matter whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on synthetic organic colouring matter; synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agens or as luminoph siligen vn
Import 38099900 Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dye-stuffs and other products and preparations (for example, dressings and mordants), of a kind used in the textile, paper, leather or like industries, not elsewhere specified or include lurapret dps removable head
Import 39043010 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, in primary forms ucar solution vinyl resin vagh
Import 39043090 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, in primary forms ucar solution vinyl resins vagh

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