No 86 (old No 68) Acharappan Street Chennai India
Ph: 25242285

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
18/11/2004 57011000 Indian handmade silk carpets 3 Sqm Delhi air Thessaloniki Greece
3/04/2003 57023101 Indian handmade woollen carpets. 1821 Sqf Jnpt New york Usa
13/12/2003 57023110 Indian handmade woollen carpets 324 Sqf Jnpt Melbourne Australia
18/03/2004 57023130 Indian handmade jute mat. 3323 Sqm Jnpt Hamburg Fr germany
28/11/2003 57024110 Indian handknotted dyed woollen carpets floor covering other than machine made 27 Sqm Jnpt Melbourne Australia
19/06/2003 57050007 Indian handmade jute mat. 192 Sqm Jnpt Hamburg Fr germany
23/03/2004 57050019 Indian handmade cotton sunnel druggets 4906 Sqf Jnpt Gaffney Gaffney
9/03/2004 57050039 Indian handmade jute mat. 24 Sqm Jnpt Hamburg Fr germany

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
6/07/2004 07133100 Green mung beans (pulses) 113 Mts Madras sea    
25/03/2004 07139010 Kabuli chick peas 68 Mts Madras sea    
4/07/2004 07139099 Black matpe (sq) pulses 114 Mts Madras sea    

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 07133100 Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split green mung beans (pulses)
Import 07139010 Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split kabuli chick peas
Import 07139099 Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split black matpe (sq) pulses

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 57011000 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, knotted, whether or not made up indian handmade silk carpets
Export 57023101 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, including kelem , schumacks , karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs indian handmade woollen carpets.
Export 57023110 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, including kelem , schumacks , karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs indian handmade woollen carpets
Export 57023130 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, including kelem , schumacks , karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs indian handmade jute mat.
Export 57024110 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, including kelem , schumacks , karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs indian handknotted dyed woollen carpets floor covering other than machine made
Export 57050007 Other carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up indian handmade jute mat.
Export 57050019 Other carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up indian handmade cotton sunnel druggets
Export 57050039 Other carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up indian handmade jute mat.

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