182/63 Indl. Area Phase-i Chandigarh India
Ph: 650026

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
27/01/2004 04031000 Wildberries & cranberries non fat yogurt (500 grm x 6 x 1) 365 Ctn Jnpt Spain Spain
5/03/2004 04051000 Bridel 200gr unsalted butter pack 82% fat in f/gb case beurre bridel plaguette 200g doux 82% mg cart 16 Nos Bombay air Roissy en france Roissy en france
5/05/2003 04061000 Wildberries low fat yogurt 2376 Unt Jnpt Spain Spain
23/04/2003 04063000 9732 president emmental portion 250g 96 Pcs Bombay air France France
5/03/2004 04064000 Roquefort slice net weight 100g 52% tranche roquefort 100g neutrex32 52% cheese 96 Nos Bombay air Roissy en france Roissy en france
11/11/2003 04069000 Cheese 560 Kgs Bombay air Italy Italy
27/01/2004 07049000 Chocolate pudding (500 grm x 6 x 1) 180 Ctn Jnpt Spain Spain
23/02/2004 07096090 6/1060z cf nac sli jalapenos 11 lang upc=10017600087390 300 Ctn Jnpt United states United states
29/10/2003 07108010 Vegetiable corn kernels edg 75 Ctn Bombay sea Australia Australia
21/01/2004 15171010 Remia vital margarine (24 x 250 grm x 1) 50 Ctn Jnpt Netherlands Netherlands

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 04031000 Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified wildberries & cranberries non fat yogurt (500 grm x 6 x 1)
Import 04051000 Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; dairy spreads. bridel 200gr unsalted butter pack 82% fat in f/gb case beurre bridel plaguette 200g doux 82% mg cart
Import 04061000 Cheese and curd wildberries low fat yogurt
Import 04063000 Cheese and curd 9732 president emmental portion 250g
Import 04064000 Cheese and curd roquefort slice net weight 100g 52% tranche roquefort 100g neutrex32 52% cheese
Import 04069000 Cheese and curd cheese
Import 07049000 Cabbages, cauliflowers, kohlrata, kala and similar edible brassicas, fresh or chilled chocolate pudding (500 grm x 6 x 1)
Import 07096090 Other vegetables, fresh or chilled 6/1060z cf nac sli jalapenos 11 lang upc=10017600087390
Import 07108010 Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen vegetiable corn kernels edg
Import 15171010 Margarine; edible mixture or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this chapter, other than edible fats or oils or their fractions of heading 1516 remia vital margarine (24 x 250 grm x 1)

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