15a Chowringhee Mansions 30 J L Nehru Road Calcutta West Bengal India
Ph: 2172893-97, Fax: 2497333

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
23/05/2003 09011135 Sion no: e 88 coffee indian washed 36 Mts Madras sea Kobe Japan
16/07/2004 09024020 Tea bags 200 Box Calcutta air   Australia
19/11/2003 09024040 Black tea 4070 Kgs Calcutta sea Au Australia
28/07/2003 09103002 E-43 turmeric finger (haldi) packing in 25 kgs net in new polypropylene bags. 54 Mts Jnpt Al khoms,libya  
9/09/2003 09103020 E-43 turmeric finger (haldi) sortex quality packed in 50 kgs net in jute bag s 57 Mts Jnpt Al khoms,libra  
28/04/2004 10019010 Wheat of seed quality 2300 Mts Vizag sea Chittagong Bangladesh
19/12/2003 10019020 Indian milling wheat crop 2002-2003packed in pp jumbo b 250 Mts Calcutta sea Vn Vietnam, democratic rep. of
28/04/2004 10051000 Seed 4000 Mts Vizag sea Sri lanka Sri lanka
22/09/2004 10059000 Indian yellow maize 457 Mts Calcutta sea   Sri lanka
31/07/2004 10063010 Rice, parboiled 217 Mts Vizag sea Tunisia Tunisia

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
9/09/2003 07131000 Canadian yellow peas no.2 or better (25 cont.stc 626.194 mts in bulk) 626 Mts Calcutta sea Ca Ca
2/06/2004 09024040 Dil peppermint env 25s'(sample tea) 1 Nos Calcutta air Au Au
24/03/2004 48054000 Filter paper as per inv:ref 620102 perflo non heatsealingteabag filter paper 12.5 gsm w=94mm od=432m 2890 Kgs Calcutta sea Gb Gb
25/04/2004 84371000 Model ws-7 color sorters, each with 7 trays and 70 ejectors, 2 Nos Madras air Us Us

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 07131000 Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split canadian yellow peas no.2 or better (25 cont.stc 626.194 mts in bulk)
Import 09024040 Tea, whether or not flavoured dil peppermint env 25s'(sample tea)
Import 48054000 Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, not further worked or processed than as specified in note 3 to this chapter filter paper as per inv:ref 620102 perflo non heatsealingteabag filter paper 12.5 gsm w=94mm od=432m
Import 84371000 Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried ldeguminous vegetables; machinery used in the milling industry or for the working or cereals or dried leguminous vegetables, other than farm-type machinery model ws-7 color sorters, each with 7 trays and 70 ejectors,

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 09011135 Coffee; whether or not roasted or dacaffeinated; coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion. sion no: e 88 coffee indian washed
Export 09024020 Tea, whether or not flavoured tea bags
Export 09024040 Tea, whether or not flavoured black tea
Export 09103002 Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices e-43 turmeric finger (haldi) packing in 25 kgs net in new polypropylene bags.
Export 09103020 Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices e-43 turmeric finger (haldi) sortex quality packed in 50 kgs net in jute bag s
Export 10019010 Wheat and meslin wheat of seed quality
Export 10019020 Wheat and meslin indian milling wheat crop 2002-2003packed in pp jumbo b
Export 10051000 Maize (corn) seed
Export 10059000 Maize (corn) indian yellow maize
Export 10063010 Rice rice, parboiled

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