56 Janpath New Delhi India

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
21/08/2004 01011090 Air lines stores aircrafts mankal 5 Nos Delhi air Frankfurt Germany
16/01/2004 48205000 Sample of computer parts univerviseble 6 Pcs Calcutta air De Germany
4/12/2004 48219010 Airlines stores clip files 100 Nos Delhi air Milan Italy
22/07/2004 49019900 Free trade sample a/c. tyreunserviseble 1 Pcs Calcutta air   Germany
1/12/2004 73269010 Airlines stors consumable kit 1 Nos Delhi air Frankfurt Germany
1/12/2004 82079010 Airlines stores torque wrench 1 Nos Delhi air Hamburg Germany
25/02/2003 84711000 Computer cpu 2 Nos Bombay air Frankfurt Germany
7/03/2003 84716002 Computer printer 1 Nos Bombay air Frankfurt Germany
26/03/2003 84717001 Computer tape drive 1 Nos Bombay air Frankfurt Germany
19/05/2004 85369010 Airlines stores video/audio seat electr.box 1 Pac Delhi air Frankfurt Germany

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
25/12/2003 02201101 Water. 4488 Btl Bombay sea Frg Frg
25/12/2003 02202909 Soft drink. 2844 Pcs Bombay sea Frg Frg
25/12/2003 02203000 Beer. 3024 Btl Bombay sea Frg Frg
25/12/2003 02204299 1 x 40' s.t.c. 1773 pieces catering equipment shipstores/airc 1908 Btl Bombay sea Frg Frg
25/12/2003 02208909 Other liquires. 440 Btl Bombay sea Frg Frg
25/12/2003 02209809 Juice. 2700 Pcs Bombay sea Frg Frg
25/02/2004 09019000 Coffee 2200 Pcs Bombay sea Frg Frg
25/08/2004 09019090 Ground coffee 0 Nos Bombay sea    
25/08/2004 09041100 Salt pepper 26000 Pcs Bombay sea    
25/06/2004 09041190 Salt pepper 18000 Pcs Bombay sea Frg Frg

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 02201101 water.
Import 02202909 soft drink.
Import 02203000 beer.
Import 02204299 1 x 40' s.t.c. 1773 pieces catering equipment shipstores/airc
Import 02208909 other liquires.
Import 02209809 juice.
Import 09019000 Coffee; whether or not roasted or dacaffeinated; coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion. coffee
Import 09019090 Coffee; whether or not roasted or dacaffeinated; coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion. ground coffee
Import 09041100 Pepper of the genus piper; dried or crushed or ground fruits of the genus capsicum or of the genus pimenta. salt pepper
Import 09041190 Pepper of the genus piper; dried or crushed or ground fruits of the genus capsicum or of the genus pimenta. salt pepper

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01011090 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies air lines stores aircrafts mankal
Export 48205000 Registers, account books, note books, order books, receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and similar articles, excise books, blotting-pads, binders (loose-leaf or other), folders, file covers, manifold business forms, inter leaved carbon se sample of computer parts univerviseble
Export 48219010 Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, whether or not printed airlines stores clip files
Export 49019900 Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets free trade sample a/c. tyreunserviseble
Export 73269010 Other articles of iron or steel airlines stors consumable kit
Export 82079010 Interchangeable tools for hand tools, whether or not power-operated, or for machine  tools (for example, for pressing, stamping, punching, tapping, threading, drilling, boring, broaching, milling, turning or screw driving), including dies for drawing or airlines stores torque wrench
Export 84711000 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data on to data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included computer cpu
Export 84716002 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data on to data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included computer printer
Export 84717001 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data on to data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included computer tape drive
Export 85369010 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or om electrical circuits (for example, switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets. lamp-holders, junction boxes), for a voltage not exceedi airlines stores video/audio seat electr.box

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