2/34 Roop Nagar Delhi India
Ph: 2927720

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
12/02/2004 18062000 Scientific goods for use in school lab c halkboard compass 456 Pcs Delhi tkd icd Chicago United states
28/03/2003 29012900 Made of polysterine triangle 60 degree 500 Pcs Delhi tkd icd Chicago United states
26/12/2003 39261019 Chalkboard compass made of acrylic sheet 504 Pcs Delhi tkd icd Chicago United states
9/07/2004 72281090 Made of polysterine sheet protractor 500 Pcs Delhi tkd icd Chicago United states
25/09/2003 90172010 Made of polysterine sheet ruler 500 Pcs Delhi tkd icd Chicago United states
8/05/2003 90230000 Mahe of acrylic sheet chalkboard compass 450 Pcs Delhi tkd icd Chicago United states

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
20/10/2004 39069010 Acrylic offcut upto 4ft 10 Mts Bombay sea    
12/10/2004 39204900 Pvc self adhesive fillm 16 Mts Delhi ppg icd Hamburg Hamburg
10/11/2004 39205111 Acrylic offcuts 10 Mts Delhi ppg icd Aejea Aejea
10/11/2004 74102100 Copper clad laminates off cuts 8 Mts Delhi ppg icd Aejea Aejea

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 39069010 Acrylic polymers in primary forms acrylic offcut upto 4ft
Import 39204900 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not-reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials pvc self adhesive fillm
Import 39205111 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not-reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials acrylic offcuts
Import 74102100 Copper foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.15 mm copper clad laminates off cuts

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 18062000 Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa scientific goods for use in school lab c halkboard compass
Export 29012900 Acyclic hydrocarbons made of polysterine triangle 60 degree
Export 39261019 Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of headings3901 to 3914 chalkboard compass made of acrylic sheet
Export 72281090 Other bars and rods of other alloy steel; angles, shapes and sections, of other alloy steel; hollow drill bars and rods, of alloy or non-alloy steel made of polysterine sheet protractor
Export 90172010 Drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments (for example, drafting machines, pantographs, protractors, drawing sets, slide rules, disc calculators); instruments for measuring length for use in the hand (for example, measuring rods and tap made of polysterine sheet ruler
Export 90230000 Instruments, apparatus and models, designed for demonstrational purposes (for example, in education or exhibitions), unsuitable for other uses mahe of acrylic sheet chalkboard compass

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