A-2/10, Shah & Nahar Ind. State, Gr. Flr. Dhanraj Mills Compd. Lower Parel, Mumbai Maharashtra India
Ph: 24960657 Fax: 24952343

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
25/08/2004 39219099 Agfa graphics art film ce size : 66.0 cm x 60mtrs total p.m.v rs 34.080/- 4 Rol Bombay air Gaborone Botswana

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
11/02/2003 37013000 Pp061507243061 rubi t50 615 x 724 0.30 50 Pcs Bombay air Spain Spain
16/04/2003 37024490 Graphic art film 361828/1836 71653-101 3 zuah recording 30 Pcs Bombay air France France
25/06/2003 37031010 Graphic art film sensitised paperboard 31an5 contact ddp 10 Pcs Bombay air Anr Anr
24/04/2004 4436090 Used paper cutting machine mod 1 Set Cochin sea    
24/04/2004 84431900 Used single colour offset prin 2 Set Cochin sea    
26/03/2003 85249112 Shb201 baslccolor display software for calibration and 10 Pcs Bombay air Muc Muc
17/03/2004 90061000 Avantra 25 xt (used machine) 1 Pcs Bombay air Bru Bru
17/03/2004 90105000 Avantra 20/25 olp (used machine) 1 Pcs Bombay air Bru Bru
7/01/2003 90278001 4 color densitometer digidens t6cr 4 Pcs Bombay air Germany Germany
3/02/2003 90278010 Color densitometers digi dens t6cr 11 Pcs Bombay air Germany Germany

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 37013000 Photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paper-board or textiles; instant print-film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, whether or not in packs pp061507243061 rubi t50 615 x 724 0.30
Import 37024490 Photographic film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paper board or textiles; instant print film in rolls,sensitised, unexposed graphic art film 361828/1836 71653-101 3 zuah recording
Import 37031010 Photographic paper, paper board and textiles,sensitised,unexposed. graphic art film sensitised paperboard 31an5 contact ddp
Import 4436090 used paper cutting machine mod
Import 84431900 Printing machinery used for printing by means of the printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442; ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading 8471; machines for uses ancillary to printing used single colour offset prin
Import 85249112 Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of chapter 37 shb201 baslccolor display software for calibration and
Import 90061000 Photographic (other than cinematographic) cameras; photographic flashlight apparatus and flash bulbs other than discharge lamps of heading 8539 avantra 25 xt (used machine)
Import 90105000 Apparatus and equipment for photographic (including cinematographic) laboratories (including apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit patterns on sensistised semiconductor materials), not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; negatosc avantra 20/25 olp (used machine)
Import 90278001 Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis for example, polarimeters, refratometers, spectrometers, gas or smoke analysis apparatus); instruments and apparatus for meters), excluding instruments and apparatus of heading measuring or check 4 color densitometer digidens t6cr
Import 90278010 Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis for example, polarimeters, refratometers, spectrometers, gas or smoke analysis apparatus); instruments and apparatus for meters), excluding instruments and apparatus of heading measuring or check color densitometers digi dens t6cr

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 39219099 Other plates, sheets film , foil and strip, of plastics agfa graphics art film ce size : 66.0 cm x 60mtrs total p.m.v rs 34.080/-

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