227/2,acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Road., Calcutta Wb India
Ph: 2472710/2477085

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
17/09/2003 94051020 Applique (wall lamp) 15 Pcs Calcutta sea It It
17/09/2003 94051090 Sospensione (ceiting lamp) 2 Pcs Calcutta sea It It
17/09/2003 94059100 Vetro aida murano (glass part) 60 Pcs Calcutta sea It It
9/09/2003 94059900 Glass parts of wall lamp (uva 15x20 azul) 100 Pcs Calcutta sea Es Es

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 94051020 Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights and spotlights and parts thereof, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like, having a permanently fixed light source, and parts thereof not elsewhere spe applique (wall lamp)
Import 94051090 Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights and spotlights and parts thereof, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like, having a permanently fixed light source, and parts thereof not elsewhere spe sospensione (ceiting lamp)
Import 94059100 Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights and spotlights and parts thereof, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like, having a permanently fixed light source, and parts thereof not elsewhere spe vetro aida murano (glass part)
Import 94059900 Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights and spotlights and parts thereof, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like, having a permanently fixed light source, and parts thereof not elsewhere spe glass parts of wall lamp (uva 15x20 azul)

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