98, Manak Vihar New Delhi India

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
6/10/2004 01011010 Ladies jackets w/wout lining ladies jackets with lining made of 52%silk 25%rayon 23%poly.c 2139 Pcs Delhi air New york United states
4/09/2004 50071000 P/l ladies rmg. viscose ladies dress 680 Pcs Delhi air London United kingdom
30/08/2004 61061000 Ladies jackets with or without lining ladies jackets with lining 1373 Pcs Delhi air New york United states
24/08/2004 61091000 Ladies jackets with or without lining ladies woven jackets. with lining 651 Pcs Delhi air New york United states
12/02/2004 61171030 Cotton powerloom scarf cat 84 198 Pcs Jnpt Genova Italy
31/12/2004 62011910 Silk rmg p/l ladies top 1008 Pcs Delhi air Paris France
31/08/2004 62031910 Readymade garments:- cotton p/l ladies pyjama 1140 Pcs Delhi ppg icd Copenhagen Denmark
12/04/2004 62032200 Viscose p/l ladies garments ladies top (o.o.g) 560 Pcs Delhi air London United kingdom
24/12/2003 62034200 Viscose p/l ladies pant 49 Pcs Jnpt Montreal Canada
3/06/2003 62034300 Ladies readymade garments wvn viscose powerloom ladies pant (catg: 6) styles:melo 776 Pcs Jnpt Antwerp Belgium

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
5/07/2004 53091910 Medium pink 2828-138(pure 100% linen colour fabric) 153 Yds Delhi air Zzz Zzz

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 53091910 Woven fabrics of flax medium pink 2828-138(pure 100% linen colour fabric)

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01011010 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies ladies jackets w/wout lining ladies jackets with lining made of 52%silk 25%rayon 23%poly.c
Export 50071000 Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste p/l ladies rmg. viscose ladies dress
Export 61061000 Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, knitted or crocheted ladies jackets with or without lining ladies jackets with lining
Export 61091000 T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted ladies jackets with or without lining ladies woven jackets. with lining
Export 61171030 Other made up clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted; knitted or crocheted parts of garments or of clothing accessories cotton powerloom scarf cat 84
Export 62011910 Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind jackets and similar articles other than those of heading 6203 silk rmg p/l ladies top
Export 62031910 Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) readymade garments:- cotton p/l ladies pyjama
Export 62032200 Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) viscose p/l ladies garments ladies top (o.o.g)
Export 62034200 Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) viscose p/l ladies pant
Export 62034300 Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) ladies readymade garments wvn viscose powerloom ladies pant (catg: 6) styles:melo

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