B-7/5020,vasant Kunj Newdelhi India

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
17/04/2004 82011000 Mt. 5600bl /s.r. nos. 8647586 & 8647587) 2 Pcs Delhi air Bangkok Thailand
21/07/2004 85171920 Video ip phones 2 Nos Delhi air Dhaka Bangladesh
21/07/2004 85175030 Modems iway cpe 4 Nos Delhi air Dhaka Bangladesh

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
26/07/2004 84713010 Personal computers model no. t2824 2 Nos Delhi air Minneapolis/st paul Minneapolis/st paul
26/07/2004 84716030 Flat panel monitor 2 Nos Delhi air Minneapolis/st paul Minneapolis/st paul
7/10/2004 85043100 2802b xfr at&t (v.34) transformer 200 Nos Delhi air Minneapolis/st paul Minneapolis/st paul
29/07/2004 85044090 Ps1600 power supply 2 Nos Delhi air Minneapolis/st paul Minneapolis/st paul
19/11/2004 85175030 Amt-4e-e fiber modem 4 Nos Delhi air Shenzhen Shenzhen
17/07/2004 85175093 Bcom 1750 router 2 Nos Delhi air Shanghai Shanghai
1/10/2004 85175099 Mp104/fxs/h.323-3 analog media gateway 4 channels network equipments 35 Nos Delhi air Talavera la real Talavera la real
16/09/2004 85179010 Isi 4608-pci 8-pt/pci 460 w/sw mounted pcb 10 Nos Delhi air Minneapolis/st paul Minneapolis/st paul
25/06/2004 85179090 V35 pim module for modem 10 Nos Delhi air London London
13/01/2004 85361090 S116 10/100 mbps 16 port switc 25 Pcs Bombay sea Hong kong Hong kong

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 84713010 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data on to data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included personal computers model no. t2824
Import 84716030 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data on to data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included flat panel monitor
Import 85043100 Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors 2802b xfr at&t (v.34) transformer
Import 85044090 Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors ps1600 power supply
Import 85175030 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line system or for digital line systems; videophones amt-4e-e fiber modem
Import 85175093 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line system or for digital line systems; videophones bcom 1750 router
Import 85175099 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line system or for digital line systems; videophones mp104/fxs/h.323-3 analog media gateway 4 channels network equipments
Import 85179010 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line system or for digital line systems; videophones isi 4608-pci 8-pt/pci 460 w/sw mounted pcb
Import 85179090 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line system or for digital line systems; videophones v35 pim module for modem
Import 85361090 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or om electrical circuits (for example, switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets. lamp-holders, junction boxes), for a voltage not exceedi s116 10/100 mbps 16 port switc

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 82011000 Hand tools, the following: spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, forks and rakes; axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools; secateurs and pruners of any kind; scythes, sickles, hay knives, hedge shears, timber wedges and other tools of a kind used in a mt. 5600bl /s.r. nos. 8647586 & 8647587)
Export 85171920 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line system or for digital line systems; videophones video ip phones
Export 85175030 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line system or for digital line systems; videophones modems iway cpe

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