E-19, Defence Colony Ring Road New Delhi India

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
12/08/2004 33030010 Serene body spray 75ml 1536 Nos Delhi ppg icd Zzz Zzz
26/10/2004 33030020 Rose water mist (75ml) 108 Nos Delhi ppg icd Zzz Zzz
18/12/2004 33030040 Glacier edt (100ml) 756 Nos Delhi air Bru Bru
14/10/2004 33030090 Aromacare energising body scent (50ml) 700 Nos Delhi ppg icd Anr Anr
25/10/2004 33041000 Goigold rejuv-a l/s sampler peach (1gm) 2000 Nos Delhi air Bru Bru
14/10/2004 33042000 Visions twin singles moonlros (2gm) 384 Nos Delhi ppg icd Anr Anr
12/08/2004 33043000 Cbo manicure kit 10000 Nos Delhi ppg icd Zzz Zzz
14/10/2004 33049110 Cbo fine liner smokey black (0.3 gm) 5000 Nos Delhi ppg icd Anr Anr
26/10/2004 33049190 Purifying clay mask (50ml) 9960 Nos Delhi ppg icd Zzz Zzz
14/10/2004 33049910 Swcare purifnightgel sach (1.5ml) 1000 Nos Delhi ppg icd Anr Anr

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 33030010 Perfumes and toilet waters serene body spray 75ml
Import 33030020 Perfumes and toilet waters rose water mist (75ml)
Import 33030040 Perfumes and toilet waters glacier edt (100ml)
Import 33030090 Perfumes and toilet waters aromacare energising body scent (50ml)
Import 33041000 Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations goigold rejuv-a l/s sampler peach (1gm)
Import 33042000 Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations visions twin singles moonlros (2gm)
Import 33043000 Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations cbo manicure kit
Import 33049110 Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations cbo fine liner smokey black (0.3 gm)
Import 33049190 Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations purifying clay mask (50ml)
Import 33049910 Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations swcare purifnightgel sach (1.5ml)

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