28 Venkatesh Nagar, Jalna Rd Aurangabad India

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
24/10/2003 84021990 Sample shipment of n c v value declared for customs purpose only segment plate set for dd refiner 1 Set Bombay air Manila Philippines
20/11/2003 84391000 Sion no c-1511 identifiable ready to use machined parts components made wholl y predominantly of 1 Set Bombay air Turin Italy
2/05/2003 84399100 Sion c1511 identifiable ready to used machine parts components made of stainle ss steel not less 1 Set Bombay air Turin Italy
6/09/2003 84399900 Sion sr no. c 1511 identifible ready to use machine parts/components made of who lly r predominentl 3 Set Bombay air Damascus Syria
6/09/2003 84812000 Measuring & testing instruments:butterfl y valve for deinking equipment 1 Pcs Bombay air Lahore Pakistan
23/07/2003 90328901 Level transmitter pid controller ip 2 controller & calibration device 1 Set Bombay air Lahore Pakistan

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
5/09/2003 72230091 Profile wire in aisi 316 l har 2115 Kgs Bombay sea France France
22/04/2003 73259930 Used and scrap refiner disc segment 3 Pcs Bombay air Malaysia Malaysia
13/08/2003 73261990 Used and scraped refiner disc segment sample of ncv 1 Set Bombay sea Malaysia Malaysia
25/11/2003 73269099 Used and scrap refiner disc segment 1 Set Bombay air Malaysia Malaysia
3/01/2003 84399100 Conventional slotted cylinder for voith model size 10/11 1 Pcs Bombay air Korea,democratic people's republic of Korea,democratic people's republic of
21/02/2003 84399900 Conically drilled cylinder for medium consistency screen 1 Pcs Bombay air Korea,democratic people's republic of Korea,democratic people's republic of
23/07/2003 84669310 Ik-3sb3 milling machine head with standard accessories 1 Pcs Bombay air Taiwan Taiwan
18/06/2004 84859000 Used and scrap refiner disc segments 1 Set Bombay air Kuala lumpur Kuala lumpur

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 72230091 Wire of stainless steel profile wire in aisi 316 l har
Import 73259930 Other cast articles of iron or steel used and scrap refiner disc segment
Import 73261990 Other articles of iron or steel used and scraped refiner disc segment sample of ncv
Import 73269099 Other articles of iron or steel used and scrap refiner disc segment
Import 84399100 Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard conventional slotted cylinder for voith model size 10/11
Import 84399900 Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard conically drilled cylinder for medium consistency screen
Import 84669310 Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines or headings 8456 to 8465, including work or tool holders, self-opening dieheads, dividing heads and other special attachments for machine-tools; tool holders for any type of to ik-3sb3 milling machine head with standard accessories
Import 84859000 Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors, insulators, coils, contacts or other electrical features not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter used and scrap refiner disc segments

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 84021990 Steam or other vapour generating boilers (other than central heating hot water boilers capable also of production low pressure steam): superheated water boilers sample shipment of n c v value declared for customs purpose only segment plate set for dd refiner
Export 84391000 Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard sion no c-1511 identifiable ready to use machined parts components made wholl y predominantly of
Export 84399100 Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard sion c1511 identifiable ready to used machine parts components made of stainle ss steel not less
Export 84399900 Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard sion sr no. c 1511 identifible ready to use machine parts/components made of who lly r predominentl
Export 84812000 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boilers shells, tanks, vats or the like, including pressure-reducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves measuring & testing instruments:butterfl y valve for deinking equipment
Export 90328901 Automatic regulating or controlliing instruments and apparatus level transmitter pid controller ip 2 controller & calibration device

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