185, Atd Street, Race Course, Coimbatore Tamilnadu. India
Ph: 211223/212221

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
9/01/2003 52052101 100 pct cotton carded knitting yarn 16783 Kgs Madras sea Qingdao China
19/05/2004 52052110 Ne 40/2 combed weaving unwaxedgrey cotton yarn on cones 17.5actual tpi tfo knotless and spliced 17977 Kgs Madras sea   China
14/04/2004 52052410 100 pct combed cotton yarn forknitting waxed steam setting oncone ne 40/1 19051 Kgs Madras sea   Korearepublic of
24/01/2003 99911001 Ne 40/1 combed waxed knitting cotto 136 Kgs Madras air Tel aviv Israel

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
15/01/2003 34049001 Wax discs size 45 mm x 38 mm o/d x 152 mm round hole 500 Kgs Madras sea Gb Gb
28/09/2004 34049010 Wax discs 38 o.dx32x 12.7mm 600 Kgs Madras sea    
17/02/2003 52052101 18597.60 kgs of 40/1 100 pct cotton 18597 Kgs Madras sea Hong kong Hong kong
15/01/2003 84211909 Luwarotary air filter 1 Pcs Madras sea Ch Ch
15/03/2003 84483100 Stationary flats 68 Nos Madras sea Gb Gb
25/04/2003 84483210 Graf circular combs for rieter combers 8 Nos Madras air Ch Ch
15/01/2003 84483901 Lickerin lk10 1 Rol Madras sea It It
25/04/2003 84483910 Stationey flats 9 Pcs Madras sea Jp Jp
15/01/2003 85011001 Motor 37kw 13 Set Madras sea Tw Tw
15/03/2003 85011011 Motor 5 Set Madras sea Tw Tw

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 34049001 Artificial waxes and prepared waxes wax discs size 45 mm x 38 mm o/d x 152 mm round hole
Import 34049010 Artificial waxes and prepared waxes wax discs 38 o.dx32x 12.7mm
Import 52052101 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale 18597.60 kgs of 40/1 100 pct cotton
Import 84211909 Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquid or gases luwarotary air filter
Import 84483100 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or stationary flats
Import 84483210 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or graf circular combs for rieter combers
Import 84483901 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or lickerin lk10
Import 84483910 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or stationey flats
Import 85011001 Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets) motor 37kw
Import 85011011 Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets) motor

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 52052101 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale 100 pct cotton carded knitting yarn
Export 52052110 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale ne 40/2 combed weaving unwaxedgrey cotton yarn on cones 17.5actual tpi tfo knotless and spliced
Export 52052410 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale 100 pct combed cotton yarn forknitting waxed steam setting oncone ne 40/1
Export 99911001 ne 40/1 combed waxed knitting cotto

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