19-2-294 ,doodh Bowli Palam Road Hyderabad ,andhra Pradesh India
Ph: 4412461,6702768-4562386

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
26/06/2003 05040001 Dried cattle casings 15 bales of calibre 55/60mm 50% i 50% ii qty 300000 Yds Jnpt Dubai United arab emirates
26/05/2003 05040002 Salted sheep casings 8 bags calibar 18/20mm a+b mixed quality 800 Nos Bombay air Paris France
27/01/2004 05040010 Salted sheep casings caliber 20/22 mm a+ b mixed quality. 20 Pac Bombay air Moscow Russia
6/12/2003 05040020 Salted sleep casings calibar 20/22mm a+b mixed qulity 2 Pac Bombay air Murcia Spain
23/04/2004 05040039 Salted sheep casings caliber 18/20 mm a+ b mixed quality 2000 Nos Bombay air Valencia Spain
8/10/2004 63079013 Hand embroidery net fbaric of glass beads 950 Mtr Delhi air Jeedah Saudi arabia

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
3/01/2004 05040010 Salted sheep casings calibar 22/24mm a+b mixed quality 2 Bag Bombay air Vlc Vlc

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 05040010 Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked salted sheep casings calibar 22/24mm a+b mixed quality

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 05040001 Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked dried cattle casings 15 bales of calibre 55/60mm 50% i 50% ii qty
Export 05040002 Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked salted sheep casings 8 bags calibar 18/20mm a+b mixed quality
Export 05040010 Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked salted sheep casings caliber 20/22 mm a+ b mixed quality.
Export 05040020 Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked salted sleep casings calibar 20/22mm a+b mixed qulity
Export 05040039 Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked salted sheep casings caliber 18/20 mm a+ b mixed quality
Export 63079013 Other made up articles, including dress patterns hand embroidery net fbaric of glass beads

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