E-19, Defence Colony New Delhi India

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
27/07/2004 01011090 Divine talkum 65 Nos Delhi air Waterloo Belgium
20/05/2003 33011100 Tender care-(beauty cream) 10920 Nos Delhi tkd icd Jakarta Indonesia
8/07/2004 33029011 Cbo siq vol lip color tickled pink 62580 Nos Delhi air Amsterdam Netherlands
21/02/2004 33030010 De marco body spray 144 Nos Jnpt Colombo Sri lanka
31/12/2003 33030090 Serene body spray alcohol free 1776 Pcs Jnpt Colombo port Sri lanka
27/02/2004 33041000 Matt l/s coffee shimmer 192 Pcs Jnpt Colombo Sri lanka
10/06/2003 33049101 Talc floral. 450 Pcs Jnpt Let krabeng  
20/06/2003 33049102 Talc md summer women 11340 Pcs Jnpt Antwerp Belgium
28/07/2003 33049109 (fragranced body) talc volare 990 Nos Jnpt Port kelang icd  
29/08/2003 33049110 Toilet powder talc volare 41580 Pcs Bombay air Antwerp,venlo  

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
12/05/2003 11081100 Cropeptide w (hydrolyzed wheat starch) 25 Kgs Jnpt Poland Poland
12/05/2003 13019011 Ext.lime flower 60642 3 Kgs Jnpt Poland Poland
20/07/2004 13019041 Witch hazel extract 20380 2 Kgs Delhi ppg icd Ham Ham
20/08/2004 13021100 Chamomile extract 20376 10 Kgs Delhi air Warszawa Warszawa
21/12/2004 13021911 Almond shell granules 100 Kgs Delhi air London London
28/01/2004 13021919 Gentian extract 21259 3 Kgs Jnpt Poland Poland
4/09/2003 13021990 Crispus flakes 60 Kgs Jnpt United kingdom United kingdom
22/09/2004 13023900 Chamomile extract 200 Kgs Delhi air Heathrow apt/london Heathrow apt/london
8/07/2003 15131900 Hydrogenated coconut oil 5 Kgs Jnpt Poland Poland
8/07/2003 15155010 Seasame oil bp/usp (seasame oil) 60 Kgs Jnpt Poland Poland

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 11081100 Starches; inulin cropeptide w (hydrolyzed wheat starch)
Import 13019011 Lac; natural gums, resins, gum-resins and oleoresins (for example, balsams) ext.lime flower 60642
Import 13019041 Lac; natural gums, resins, gum-resins and oleoresins (for example, balsams) witch hazel extract 20380
Import 13021100 Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products chamomile extract 20376
Import 13021911 Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products almond shell granules
Import 13021919 Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products gentian extract 21259
Import 13021990 Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products crispus flakes
Import 13023900 Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products chamomile extract
Import 15131900 Coconut (copra), palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified hydrogenated coconut oil
Import 15155010 Other fixed vegetable fats and oils (including jojoba oil) and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified seasame oil bp/usp (seasame oil)

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01011090 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies divine talkum
Export 33011100 Essential oils (terpeneless or not),including concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats,in fixed oils, in waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurate or maceratin; terpenic by-products of the deterpenat tender care-(beauty cream)
Export 33029011 Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures (including alcoholic solutions) with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the manufa cbo siq vol lip color tickled pink
Export 33030010 Perfumes and toilet waters de marco body spray
Export 33030090 Perfumes and toilet waters serene body spray alcohol free
Export 33041000 Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations matt l/s coffee shimmer
Export 33049101 Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations talc floral.
Export 33049102 Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations talc md summer women
Export 33049109 Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations (fragranced body) talc volare
Export 33049110 Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations toilet powder talc volare

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