30,c.p.tank R O A D, Mumbai Maharashtra India
Ph: 3862884

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
8/12/2004 72201129 Stainless steel wire grade 4404 bright drawn fromwire rod din 1.4404 dia 6.000m 4568 Kgs Delhi tkd icd Bremen Germany
28/08/2004 72230010 Stainless steel wire bright and smooth finish non magnetic aisi 201m dia 3970 Kgs Delhi tkd icd Haiphong Vietnam, democratic rep. of
28/09/2004 72230091 Prime stainless steel wire aisi 201, dia (mm) 1.000 uts 1/4hard 4906 Kgs Delhi tkd icd Hochiminh Vietnam, democratic rep. of
24/08/2004 72230099 Stainless steel wire drawn from wire rod aisi 304 dia 0.105 (2.667 mm) 3740 Lbs Delhi tkd icd Philadelphia , pa. United states
30/06/2004 73064000 Prime stainless steelwires,having smooth surface bright finish non magnetic wire 1489 Kgs Delhi tkd icd Haiphong Vietnam, democratic rep. of
30/06/2004 73239190 Stainless steel wire drawn from wire rod aisi 304 dia 0.118 (2.997mm) (n.wt.2013 44385 Lbs Delhi tkd icd Cleveland United states
27/07/2004 84831099 21/16 gate valve body 1 Pcs Bombay air Houstan United states
18/08/2004 85014010 Stainless steel wire drawn from wire rod 1143 Lbs Delhi air St louis United states

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
3/09/2004 72042190 Stainless steel melting scrap 53 Mts Bombay sea    
25/02/2004 73049000 Stainless steel secondary / defective welded p ipes, grade 304 19 Mts Bombay sea Jor Jor

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 72042190 Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel stainless steel melting scrap
Import 73049000 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless, of iron (other than cast iron) or steel stainless steel secondary / defective welded p ipes, grade 304

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 72201129 Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of less than 600 mm stainless steel wire grade 4404 bright drawn fromwire rod din 1.4404 dia 6.000m
Export 72230010 Wire of stainless steel stainless steel wire bright and smooth finish non magnetic aisi 201m dia
Export 72230091 Wire of stainless steel prime stainless steel wire aisi 201, dia (mm) 1.000 uts 1/4hard
Export 72230099 Wire of stainless steel stainless steel wire drawn from wire rod aisi 304 dia 0.105 (2.667 mm)
Export 73064000 Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles (for example, open seam or welded, riveted or similarly closed), of iron or steel prime stainless steelwires,having smooth surface bright finish non magnetic wire
Export 73239190 Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of iron or steel; iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of iron or steel stainless steel wire drawn from wire rod aisi 304 dia 0.118 (2.997mm) (n.wt.2013
Export 84831099 Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; bearings housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing; ball or roller screws; gear boxes and other speed changers, including torque converters; flywheels and pulleys, includin 21/16 gate valve body
Export 85014010 Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets) stainless steel wire drawn from wire rod

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