C-136,peenya Industrial Estate, 2nd Stage, Bangalore Karnataka India
Ph: 080-8360595,8360804/3415802

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
2/04/2004 02109900 Industrial flavours 22 Kgs Bombay air Lagos Nigeria
6/04/2004 09050090 Industrial flavours vanilla special liqu id 500 Kgs Bombay air Lagos Nigeria
6/06/2003 18050000 Dark covering chocolate 220 Kgs Bombay air Addis ababa Ethiopia
10/08/2004 18069090 Industrial flavours,sonarex 0103 cocoa p owder 500 Kgs Bombay sea Djibouti Djibouti
1/09/2004 29012990 Sorbic acid 300 Kgs Bombay air Dar es salaam Tanzania
13/04/2004 30039011 Industrial fragrances green appale 175 Kgs Delhi air Tashkent Uzbekistan
15/07/2003 33011901 Citronella sb 100202 3060 Kgs Bombay air Addis ababa Ethopia
2/09/2003 33011910 Industrial fragrances herbal fresh 25102 0 10 Kgs Bombay air Tehran Iran
30/12/2003 33011990 Industerial flavour 05kg 12 banana std 60 Kgs Jnpt Mombasa Kenya
5/03/2004 33142990 Industrial flavours 05 kg 02 sonarex vanillin 10 Kgs Jnpt Mombasa Kenya

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
19/04/2004 29124100 Rhodiarome ethyl vanillin 25 kgs per drum (aromatic chemicals) 250 Kgs Madras sea    
16/04/2004 29124990 Ethyl meltol fcciv 200 Kgs Madras sea    
3/12/2004 29322100 Rhovanil vanillin extra pure 100 Kgs Madras sea    
6/01/2004 33011200 (natural essential oil) orange oil 2302 Kgs Jnpt Brazil Brazil
18/10/2004 33029011 Allyl caproate 275 Kgs Madras sea    

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 29124100 Aldehydes, whether or not with other oxygen function; cyclic polymers ofaldehydes;para-formaldehyde rhodiarome ethyl vanillin 25 kgs per drum (aromatic chemicals)
Import 29124990 Aldehydes, whether or not with other oxygen function; cyclic polymers ofaldehydes;para-formaldehyde ethyl meltol fcciv
Import 29322100 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only rhovanil vanillin extra pure
Import 33011200 Essential oils (terpeneless or not),including concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats,in fixed oils, in waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurate or maceratin; terpenic by-products of the deterpenat (natural essential oil) orange oil
Import 33029011 Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures (including alcoholic solutions) with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the manufa allyl caproate

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 02109900 Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal industrial flavours
Export 09050090 Vanilla industrial flavours vanilla special liqu id
Export 18050000 dark covering chocolate
Export 18069090 Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa industrial flavours,sonarex 0103 cocoa p owder
Export 29012990 Acyclic hydrocarbons sorbic acid
Export 30039011 Medicaments(excluding goods of heading 3002,3005 or 3006) consisting of two or more constituents which have been mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale industrial fragrances green appale
Export 33011901 Essential oils (terpeneless or not),including concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats,in fixed oils, in waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurate or maceratin; terpenic by-products of the deterpenat citronella sb 100202
Export 33011910 Essential oils (terpeneless or not),including concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats,in fixed oils, in waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurate or maceratin; terpenic by-products of the deterpenat industrial fragrances herbal fresh 25102 0
Export 33011990 Essential oils (terpeneless or not),including concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats,in fixed oils, in waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurate or maceratin; terpenic by-products of the deterpenat industerial flavour 05kg 12 banana std
Export 33142990 industrial flavours 05 kg 02 sonarex vanillin

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