Export Division 132 Dr Annie Besant Road*worli Bombay ,maharashtra Maharashtra India

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
1/04/2004 01011010 Sample of n.c.v.clutch plate tata 1414 1 Pcs Bombay air Dar es salaam Tanga
24/11/2003 25240039 I.d.f.no.b031124137 & kelc030807 raw material powder for making 1) asbestows free brake linings 23925 Kgs Jnpt Mombasa Kenya
19/02/2004 32030090 C-998 clutch plate tata 908 25 Pcs Jnpt Tanga Tanga
10/04/2003 39199009 Label (sticker) (as per invoice attached 100000 Nos Jnpt Tanga Tanga
10/04/2003 40101900 1000*2600 belt 2 Nos Jnpt Tanga Tanga
10/04/2003 40169303 Oil seal for a-1 b-2 & trolley gear box 15 Set Jnpt Tanga Tanga
19/02/2004 40169990 A-1687 metal fitted/bonded/unbounded rub ber part(moulded/extruded)rubber v rin gs 50 Pcs Jnpt Tanga Tanga
28/10/2004 49019900 Empty boxes 1000 Pcs Bombay air Kilimanjaro Kenya
31/05/2004 49111010 Catalogue 1 Nos Bombay air Johannesburg South africa
19/02/2004 59090090 Pressure hose lenght 310mm smal l. 25 Pcs Jnpt Tanga Tanga

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
17/11/2003 25240019 White asbestos grade a5-50 67500 Kgs Jnpt Kazakistan Kazakistan
12/10/2004 38101010 Daybraze 729n-4047 (aluminium braze paste) 60 Lbs Bombay air Buffalo Buffalo
29/01/2004 38109090 Ultra brazing flux paste 250 Kgs Jnpt Germany Germany
15/10/2004 39269099 Plastic side brackets (for sam alue) 1 Prs Bombay sea    
29/10/2003 72102000 Ternex nickel terne coated ste el cut lengths coating 120 g/m 10 Mts Jnpt United kingdom United kingdom
19/06/2004 73181500 Lock washer 1 Pcs Bombay air Hkg Hkg
19/06/2004 73199000 Dodge yoke pin 1 Pcs Bombay air Hkg Hkg
7/03/2003 73201019 Trip lever reset spring 1 Pcs Bombay air Nyc Nyc
19/06/2004 73209090 Split dim cam spring 2 Pcs Bombay air Hkg Hkg
28/05/2004 73269099 Fin samples 220mmm x 1.05 and 320mm x1.75 16 Pcs Bombay air Frankfurt/main Frankfurt/main

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 25240019 Asbestos white asbestos grade a5-50
Import 38101010 Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; fluxes and other auxiliary preparations for soldering, brazing or welding; and pastes consisting of metal and other materials; preparations of a kind used as cores or coatings for welding electrodes or rods daybraze 729n-4047 (aluminium braze paste)
Import 38109090 Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; fluxes and other auxiliary preparations for soldering, brazing or welding; and pastes consisting of metal and other materials; preparations of a kind used as cores or coatings for welding electrodes or rods ultra brazing flux paste
Import 39269099 Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of headings3901 to 3914 plastic side brackets (for sam alue)
Import 72102000 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, clad, plated or coated ternex nickel terne coated ste el cut lengths coating 120 g/m
Import 73181500 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach-screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of iron or steel lock washer
Import 73199000 Sewing needles, knitting needles, bodkins, crochet hooks, embroidery stilettos and similar articles, for use in the hand, of iron or steel; safety pins and other pins, of iron or steel, not elsewhere specified or included dodge yoke pin
Import 73201019 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel trip lever reset spring
Import 73209090 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel split dim cam spring
Import 73269099 Other articles of iron or steel fin samples 220mmm x 1.05 and 320mm x1.75

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01011010 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies sample of n.c.v.clutch plate tata 1414
Export 25240039 Asbestos i.d.f.no.b031124137 & kelc030807 raw material powder for making 1) asbestows free brake linings
Export 32030090 Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin (including dyeing extracts but excluding animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin c-998 clutch plate tata 908
Export 39199009 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics, whether or not in rolls label (sticker) (as per invoice attached
Export 40101900 Conveyor or transmission belts or belting, of vulcanised rubber 1000*2600 belt
Export 40169303 Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber oil seal for a-1 b-2 & trolley gear box
Export 40169990 Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber a-1687 metal fitted/bonded/unbounded rub ber part(moulded/extruded)rubber v rin gs
Export 49019900 Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets empty boxes
Export 49111010 Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographs. catalogue
Export 59090090 Textile hose piping and similar textile tubing, with or without lining, armour or accessories of other materials pressure hose lenght 310mm smal l.

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