D-3/a Panki Industrial Estate Kanpur U.p. India
Ph: 82001to 9

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
28/04/2004 01011090 100% cotinuous polyamide 6 bonded thread 180 Nos Delhi air Kuala lumpur Malaysia
31/12/2004 50079000 100%polyester braids brand zircon 160 Nos Delhi air Hanoi Vietnam, democratic rep. of
5/08/2004 52042090 100% nylon sewing thread 15 Nos Madras sea Lkcmb Sri lanka
30/01/2003 54011000 Nylon 6 bonded sewing threads brd nybond -nb-934,2000 mtr, b/w 205 Nos Bombay sea Port kelan Malaysia
14/08/2003 54021001 Nylon 6,6 soft lubricated sewing thread brand opel ny-732 4000mtrs shade:730-b (grey) 4000 Nos Jnpt Bandar abbas Iran
13/11/2003 54021010 Polyester filament sewing threads brand ultimo pt 1050 lenght 2000 mtrs shade n. white 550 Nos Bombay sea Mombasa Kenya
2/12/2004 54021090 100%polyester sewing thread 1450 Pcs Delhi air Dhaka Bangladesh
27/05/2004 55081000 100%polyester sewing thread brand ultimo 140 Nos Delhi air Dhaka Bangladesh
30/01/2003 56079001 Polyester thread (machine stitch) art no 8104 size: 1.0mm 500 m 102 Nos Bombay sea Port kelan Malaysia
29/06/2004 56079010 100%polyester braids brand zircon. art. 8004 58 Nos Delhi air Suva Fiji

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
18/05/2004 27122090 Impermax s070 500 Kgs Bombay sea France France
8/10/2004 38099900 Harmless chemicals perifil 177 960 Kgs Bombay sea    
17/01/2003 39089001 Polyavine ne 100 (polyamide) 550 Kgs Bombay sea Germany Germany
25/02/2003 39089010 Isocor tt65si nylon multi poly 500 Kgs Bombay sea United sta United sta
23/02/2004 39089090 Polyain ne 100 1000 Kgs Bombay sea Germany Germany
3/01/2003 54021001 High tenacity polyster filamen 2014 Kgs Bombay sea China China
5/08/2003 54021010 Nylon 66 filament yarn tape 728 235dtex f34 merge 1v107 1423 Kgs Jnpt Canada Canada
23/01/2003 54022001 Polyester flat filament yarn, ss-semi dull, packed on paper 4008 Kgs Bombay sea Indonesia Indonesia
29/03/2003 54022010 T20.8x2 (ne29/2) polyester cot -su4-s 996 Kgs Bombay sea Switzerlan Switzerlan
24/02/2003 54022090 T36.0x3 (ne 16/3) polyester/co 3 su4-s 518 Kgs Bombay sea Switzerlan Switzerlan

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 27122090 Petroleum jelly, paraffin wax, microcystalline petroleum wad, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite wax, peta wax, other mineral waxes, and similar products obtained by synthesis or by other processes, whether or not coloured impermax s070
Import 38099900 Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dye-stuffs and other products and preparations (for example, dressings and mordants), of a kind used in the textile, paper, leather or like industries, not elsewhere specified or include harmless chemicals perifil 177
Import 39089001 Polyamides in primary forms polyavine ne 100 (polyamide)
Import 39089010 Polyamides in primary forms isocor tt65si nylon multi poly
Import 39089090 Polyamides in primary forms polyain ne 100
Import 54021001 Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex high tenacity polyster filamen
Import 54021010 Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex nylon 66 filament yarn tape 728 235dtex f34 merge 1v107
Import 54022001 Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex polyester flat filament yarn, ss-semi dull, packed on paper
Import 54022010 Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex t20.8x2 (ne29/2) polyester cot -su4-s
Import 54022090 Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex t36.0x3 (ne 16/3) polyester/co 3 su4-s

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01011090 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies 100% cotinuous polyamide 6 bonded thread
Export 50079000 Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste 100%polyester braids brand zircon
Export 52042090 Cotton sewing thread, whether or not put up for retail sale 100% nylon sewing thread
Export 54011000 Sewing thread of man-made filaments, whether or not put up for retail sale nylon 6 bonded sewing threads brd nybond -nb-934,2000 mtr, b/w
Export 54021001 Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex nylon 6,6 soft lubricated sewing thread brand opel ny-732 4000mtrs shade:730-b (grey)
Export 54021010 Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex polyester filament sewing threads brand ultimo pt 1050 lenght 2000 mtrs shade n. white
Export 54021090 Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex 100%polyester sewing thread
Export 55081000 Sewing thread of man-made staple fibres, whether or not put up for retail sale 100%polyester sewing thread brand ultimo
Export 56079001 Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics polyester thread (machine stitch) art no 8104 size: 1.0mm 500 m
Export 56079010 Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics 100%polyester braids brand zircon. art. 8004

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