City Survey No.167(ptk) Ganapati Baug, Off T.j.rd.,sewri (w), Mumbai Maharashtra. India
Ph: 24137235

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
17/08/2004 61083100 Cotton kintted socks girls pelerine knee high socks cotton 73% polamide 27% 275 Doz Bombay air Birmingham United kingdom
3/08/2004 61152010 Cotton 73% polyamide 27%girls pelerine knee high socks size: 9-12 925 Doz Bombay air Birmingham United kingdom
22/07/2004 62149039 Cotton knitted rmg girls pelerine knee high socks cotton 73 % polyamide 27% si 350 Doz Bombay air London United kingdom
31/08/2004 63053200 Cotton 74% polyester 24% elasthannee 2% cotton knitted socks 140 Doz Bombay air Lille France

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
9/09/2004 73182990 Screws air end b100-1 b-100-v005 1 Set Bombay air Frankfurt/main Frankfurt/main
6/04/2004 84481190 Ssdl18 sotco steady dial looper (socks liniking machine ) 18 Pcs Bombay air Atl Atl
17/12/2003 84485900 0312 175482 vo 71.70 2000 Pcs Bombay air Fra Fra

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 73182990 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach-screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of iron or steel screws air end b100-1 b-100-v005
Import 84481190 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or ssdl18 sotco steady dial looper (socks liniking machine )
Import 84485900 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or 0312 175482 vo 71.70

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 61083100 Women's or girls' slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, night dresses, pyjamas, negligees, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted cotton kintted socks girls pelerine knee high socks cotton 73% polamide 27%
Export 61152010 Panty hose, tights, stockings, socks and other hosiery, including stockings for varicose veins and footwear without applied soles, knitted or crocheted cotton 73% polyamide 27%girls pelerine knee high socks size: 9-12
Export 62149039 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like cotton knitted rmg girls pelerine knee high socks cotton 73 % polyamide 27% si
Export 63053200 Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods cotton 74% polyester 24% elasthannee 2% cotton knitted socks

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