239, Okhla Indl. Estate, Phase-iii, New Delhi India
Ph: 8613762/6845424

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
17/12/2004 84718000 Pg hp proliant servers sn#d235frv1d177 & sn#229frv1d116 (imported vide b/e no. 644432 dt.26.02.04 2 Nos Delhi air Seattle United states
2/06/2004 85175030 U.s.robotics 56k faxmodem 2 Nos Delhi air Sydney Australia

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
28/09/2004 34029009 Sanitizer kay-5 case 125 packts (041082) 20 Nos Delhi air Penang (georgetown) Penang (georgetown)
17/06/2003 39199090 Pvc welding rods (2 kgs per ctn ) 12 Ctn Jnpt Denmark Denmark
28/09/2004 39269009 Tray-drip *8662-8663* (028542) (made pf plastic) 1 Nos Delhi air Penang (georgetown) Penang (georgetown)
8/10/2004 39269099 Badge hoders (protional material for office staff only) 600 Pcs Delhi air Chi Chi
15/10/2004 48201090 Kit,paper, donor, 40pack, 540 2 Nos Delhi air Austin Austin
30/04/2003 49011010 Disk xtender 2000 data manager system guide (for software 1 Nos Bombay air United states United states
8/10/2004 49019900 Solutions guides-internal sales tools [manuals] 60 Nos Delhi air Austin Austin
30/04/2003 49070030 Disk xtender 2000 tape levelc license option 1 Nos Bombay air United states United states
26/05/2003 57032090 Mineral fiber sound absorbing sheets and steel angle suspend ed system-perimeter trim painted steel 1756 Mtr Jnpt United kingdom United kingdom
5/11/2004 57033090 Anti static manmadetufted lcop pile carpet 100% polypropelene ( tso 122/5 l blue)20 rolls ( wide 3.6 2138 Sqm Delhi tkd icd Dubai Dubai

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 34029009 sanitizer kay-5 case 125 packts (041082)
Import 39199090 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics, whether or not in rolls pvc welding rods (2 kgs per ctn )
Import 39269009 Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of headings3901 to 3914 tray-drip *8662-8663* (028542) (made pf plastic)
Import 39269099 Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of headings3901 to 3914 badge hoders (protional material for office staff only)
Import 48201090 Registers, account books, note books, order books, receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and similar articles, excise books, blotting-pads, binders (loose-leaf or other), folders, file covers, manifold business forms, inter leaved carbon se kit,paper, donor, 40pack, 540
Import 49011010 Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets disk xtender 2000 data manager system guide (for software
Import 49019900 Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets solutions guides-internal sales tools [manuals]
Import 49070030 Unused postage, revenue or similar stamps of current or new issue in the country in which they have, or will have, a recognized face value; stamp-impressed paper; bank-notes; cheque forms; stock, share or bond certificates and similar documents of title. disk xtender 2000 tape levelc license option
Import 57032090 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made up mineral fiber sound absorbing sheets and steel angle suspend ed system-perimeter trim painted steel
Import 57033090 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made up anti static manmadetufted lcop pile carpet 100% polypropelene ( tso 122/5 l blue)20 rolls ( wide 3.6

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 84718000 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data on to data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included pg hp proliant servers sn#d235frv1d177 & sn#229frv1d116 (imported vide b/e no. 644432 dt.26.02.04
Export 85175030 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line system or for digital line systems; videophones u.s.robotics 56k faxmodem

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